9 - "Why are we moving here daddy?"

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⚠️ warning ⚠️
A little violent and slight bad language

The three of us sit in a cafe, on the top floor, I sip my water awkwardly and so does Blake as Sunny watches us.

"So you want to know more about us?" Blake asks breaking the long winded silence

"Finally she speaks, spent all weekend with you and all I've got is small talk and annoyed looks" we both glare at him "yeah like those" Blake huffs as I roll my eyes turning my attention to the table

"Have you heard of the white fang?" Blake asks though I think it's a stupid question; what faunas hasn't?
"Of course I've heard of them, there violent and dangerous" he snorts
"We were once members" i but in, he spits out some water. He wipes the water off the table and looks between me and Blake eyes wide.
"We were members most of our lives, you could say we were born into it." Blake starts


"Hi" I wave at a boy a couple of years older than me, like 8 or 9 "I'm Silver" I introduce myself chuckling as I do
"Crimson and that over there is my little sister Ilia" he points to a young girl with long black hair covering her right eye
"Blake!" I call my sister over, she walks over slowly being the less sociable twin
"Hi" she whispers nodding at Crimson
"This is my sister Blake, and Blake this is Crimson and that over there is his sister Ilia" Blake nods at him and Crimson returns it

The microphone comes to life with a loud buzz and me, my sister and Crimson face the front looking up at my father.


"Why am I holding dis?" I look up at my father in question
"We are trying to help all of our kind girls, so we can have a better life" he tries to explain in layman's terms for me and my sister, we nod along feeling important
"We will do this daddy, we pwomise to hewp you a mummy" I say as strongly as I can being a small 6 year old.
"That's my girls" he takes my hand in his and Blake's hand in his other.


"Why are we moving here daddy?" I ask as we get off the boat.

It's been 3 yrs since my dad started the organisation which was later called the White Fang and we have seen a little improvement or at least that's what I've heard, there was sometime where it was dangerous for me to leave the house, I don't know why, but now for some reason a lot of us faunas are being moved somewhere to have a better life.


My home.
It may look beautiful from an outsiders point of view but it will always be a reminder of the fact that we aren't equals.

The island was pretty much deceased and sadly a lot of it could never be revived when we arrived here but as always we made do with what we had.

This disaster resulted in an uproar in the faunes community, the White Fang weren't getting quick enough results, so my father stepped down and a new leader took his place.

Sienna Kahn is a different type of leader to my father, she has plans to start boycotts and protests. I'm not sure what to think of that as I'm only 11 and I'm not a hundred percent sure what it means.

After my father stepped down he was made the Chieftain of Menagerie so he's always busy these days but he is still involved in the White Fang as he believes in it strongly, as does my mother.


Adam Taurus.

I hate that boy there's something wrong with him but he is training me and my sister so apparently I have to put up with him.

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