2 - "Wouldn't bet on it"

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My mind drifts off to the night of the attempted robbery that we stopped but specifically to the conversation with our headmaster
"I'm sure after a long night of thwarting an attempted robbery you'd like to go home and take a nap, but I was hoping I could have a word with you both" I look up and share a look with Blake as I nod lazily
"Of course" Blake politely offers
"Wonderful. As you are aware people have to pass a rigorous entry exam to enrol into my academy. Most people spend years training at a combat school to be able to pass this, you are two who didn't go to such a school, yet you both passed with good marks." He raises an eyebrow
"We were raised outside of the kingdoms." Blake starts
"We had to learn to fight to survive" I continue
"You have done that for sure." He pauses before changing the subject completely "I am proud to say that I accept all types of people to enrol into my academy; human, faunas.... Why do you wear the bows?" He suddenly asks
"I'd rather stay hidden, it's easier that way" I say quickly not wanting to dwell on the topic.
"I want people to see me for who I am not what I am besides you may be willing to accept us regardless but your species isn't" Blake spits sourly at the end
"We are making strides to lessen the divide between human and faunas" he interjects
"Well your species needs to make bigger strides" I roll my eyes as he turns to me
"Until such a time I'd rather avoid the attention" Blake adds.

The room goes silent

"How did you know the White Fang would be at the shipyard tonight?" He suddenly asks taking us both by surprise
"We didn't" Blake quickly states causing her to sound suspicious so I quickly add
"We were just in the right place at the right time." backing up her statement
"what happened tonight was not an isolated incident. I may be your headmaster, but I am also a Huntsman, and it is my sworn duty to protect this world from the forces that conspire against it. Blake, Silver are you both sure there is nothing else you would like to tell me?" He questions
"We're sure" we chorus
"Very well, have a good night both of you" he leaves the room and we both turn to each other silently conversing through are eyes. Did we do the right thing? Should we have told him about our past with the White Fang?

Back to present

A commotion outside pulls me out of my thoughts, and I stand up and head for the door; opening it I look down the corridor and see Ruby is being helped up by a green haired girl who is standing in front of two other students, a dark haired girl and a grey haired boy.

I walk over to stand besides Ruby not trusting the situation

".......got turned around" is what I hear coming out of the grey haired boys mouth, I don't like his tone
"Happens all the time" Ruby brushes it off
"No it doesn't" I eye the three suspiciously
"This is Silver, she's one of my teammates twin sister" Ruby gestures to me
"They don't need my biography" I shake my head
"Nice to meet you Silver" the green haired girl says politely as she looks me up and down as if she's sizing me up, I move one step forward in a slightly threatening manner
"Yeah I'm sure" I reply not trusting the fake persona she's giving off one bit
"Oh your building is just East of here" Ruby gestures down the hall and East
"Thanks, maybe we'll see you around" the dark haired girl walks off dismissing us
"Wouldn't bet on it" I speak after her
"Oh uh welcome to Beacon!" Ruby calls after the three of them as the other two follow after who seems to be there leader like two lost sheep.

"What was that?"Ruby asks turning to me
"What was what?" I play dumb
"That? You weren't being very nice, they're new here" she squeals. I tilt my head to the side lazily, slightly looking down as Ruby is shorter than me
"I don't trust them, that green haired girl...."
"Emerald" she buts in
"Yeah whatever" I wave her off "well she was so fake, I don't trust her at all" I cross my arms over my chest
"Well maybe you should work on that" Ruby heads towards her dorm but I call her
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means it's clear you don't trust people, perhaps someone's broken your trust in the past and now instead of giving someone the benefit of the doubt you just label everyone as untrustworthy as it's easier" she shrugs
"What do you know?" I mumble as I head into my dorm

It's creepy that shes always terrible at reading people but she's got me down to a T.

Hope you enjoyed this. More chapters to hopefully come out soon.

Happy reading

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