LXIX. Accelerated Evolution

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Upon entering the laboratory, Rel was able to see the grim painting in front of him with full clarity: Punjo was slowly being backed into a corner as the large menacing creature advanced toward him. If he didn't act quick, it wouldn't take long for the enemy to make a devastating move.

Rel: This one's for you...

Rel's heart pounded heavily in his chest as he sprinted towards the table nearest to the action. In a burst of adrenaline-fueled agility, he launched himself onto the table, using it as a springboard for his daring leap towards the mutant. Soaring through the air, his body twisting in a graceful somersault, the dim lights of the laboratory caught the metallic glint of his boot hells, reminiscent of a particular fighter very dear to him. 

Rel: Faya...!

His body was a blur of motion, as he extended one leg forward with calculated precision, the heel of his boot aimed directly at what remained of the creature's skull. The impact was like thunder, reverberating through the air as bone shattered beneath his boot and leaving the enemy stunned.

Punjo: REL!

As he lands next to Punjo, Rel smiles triumphantly.

Rel: I know, I know. Before you say anything ... you're welcome!

Punjo clenched his fists in anger, worried for the safety of the young man. Still, there was little he could do about it now. Adopting a stance ready to fight the monster, he prepares his next move, with Rel following suit.

Rel: So, what's the plan?

Punjo: Plan?! Yer in over yer head, kid... Plan's ye don't get in my way!

Punjo quicksteps in the direction of the enemy, as it is still gathering its bearings. With his right leg he sweeps at the beast's feet, in a renewed attempt to make it fall.

Dmitri: FOOL...! That won't work twice!

From the beast's skin a tentacle shoots out, wrapping itself around Punjo's leg before it manages to make contact with the monster. With his leg now stuck hanging above ground, it was Punjo who struggled to keep his balance.

Punjo: Dammit...

The enemy manages to pull itself together, sprouting several bulbous eyeballs from its open head cavity, blinking grotesquely in the dim light. With a guttural roar it prepared to unleash two of its massive fists, each dripping with viscous ichor, to deliver a punch to the sides of Punjo's head, crushing it between them.

Rel: PUNJO! Give me a leg up!

Rel sprints towards Punjo as he calls his attention. Though brief gestures, they were enough for Punjo to understand what he meant -- Punjo manages to rest his foot on the enemy's thigh, forming a stable enough horizontal ledge for Rel to use, allowing the young man to make the most of this opportunity to go for another running jump. As he steps down on Punjo's thigh, he propels himself upward and closer to the beast, to the point where its ribs come in range of a powerful kick. Leveraging the momentum from his leap, Rel kicks the monster's side as hard as he can with the steel toe of his right boot, causing a decisive crack to be heard throughout the laboratory, though this time it was the monster's bones that had been broken. Once more, the beast stumbles back dazed.

Punjo: Nice boots ya got there...

With the tentacle that held onto his leg now having slithered back into the main body, Punjo runs towards the monster and performs a tackle.

Punjo: I'll have ta get myself a pair after this...!

With the full weight of his body crashing against the stumbling enemy, he successfully takes it down yet again. The monster crashes loudly into the ground, with Punjo pinning him down from above.

Punjo: 'Member that whole thing 'bout weak points...?

Punjo partially bends his index and middle fingers as he makes a fist with the remaining fingers, concentrating the force of his punches in the two fingers that remained protruded. With all of his might, he strikes the ribs broken by Rel. Each punch sends a wave of pain through the monster's body, as it wails and aches, its many tentacles bursting from within the skin and attempting to lash chaotically at Punjo. Though some manage to strike him, the attacks were too haphazard to inflict any real damage.

Dmitri: Remember that whole thing about learning...?

Dmitri replied, cockily.

Rel: Shut the fuck up already!

Sick and tired of Dmitri's overconfident remarks, Rel kicks him in the chin with his steel toe, causing his lower jaw to close against the rest of the skull with enough force to break several teeth. Dmitri falls over, uncounscious.

Punjo: Crap...!

Punjo suddenly unmounts and takes several steps back, as his opponent's body seemed to be imploding.

Rel: What now?!

Its four arms break and bend horrifyingly, pulled by a sudden force into the monster's torso. While its body vibrates eerily, two pairs of bones burst from its bottom area and begin making their way down to the ground, accompanied by a black muscle-like tissue that wrapped itself around them. Rel and Punjo look in disgust as the being before them seemed to sprout two new pairs of legs, featuring a total of six. Now armless, it was difficult to ascertain how much of a threat their opponent still posed... Though it wouldn't be long until they were ready to lash out once more.


Both Punjo and Rel dodge to opposing sides, as the monster crouched down and jumped with astonishing speed, the sharp bones protruding from its feet ready to impale whatever stood in their way. Though they were able to avoid most of the damage as the monster passed between them, one of the feet still managed to scrape the side of Punjo's arm, lacerating it.

Punjo: That's... Too damn fast!

The wall behind them cracks as the whole laboratory shakes. The sheer force of the monster's leap was enough to embed its bones into the wall itself, where it now stood very still, observing them with its myriad shiny eyeballs. Releasing its feet from the wall, it still manages to grip onto it with the slimy dark substance that coated its body and begins making its way towards the ceiling, not unlike a grotesque humanoid cockroach. As Punjo follows it with his gaze, he takes a quick glance at the laboratory's open door, noticing Tyssa's absence.

Punjo: Rel... You're here, but where's the damn girl?!

Rel: Don't worry about her, can't imagine she's doing any worse than we are... I'm way more concerned about how we're supposed to even hit that thing!

With their opponent trading their offensive capabilities for superhuman speed, both Rel and Punjo found their strategies thwarted. With Punjo himself being much too slow to dodge the beast effectively, and its movements much too fast for Rel to land attacks powerful enough to damage the enemy, the tide of battle seemed to be stacked against the two fighters... 

Tales of Undeath: The Von Virtus ChroniclesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora