XXIV. Ignition

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Rel: Well, at least it wasn't anything too serious. You sure you don't remember what happened, though?

Virno shakes his head. He and Rel were on his way to the arena, now that Faya's fight had most likely ended. Virno walked with a slight limp from his injuries, but he seemed fine otherwise.

Virno: All I remember is getting my ass kicked. Next thing I know, I'm home...

Rel: And that's all...?

Virno hesitates for a moment.

Virno: And that's all... Well...

He remembers Faya's words... How he could trust Rel.

Virno: Actually, I remember hearing the doctor. He was in there, too... I'm guessing he showed up shortly after that fucker kicked my ass.

Rel: The doctor sure seems to gravitate towards you a lot...

Virno nods, but doesn't say anything else. In front of them, two men were chatting fervently about something... Virno recognized them -- it was Jargen and Punjo, from the orphanage.

Jargen: I told you it'd be worth the coin...! What a show, what a goddamn show!

Punjo: Hahahah, who'd'ave thought it'd be so one-sided...! Poor guy, I 'ope he makes it.

Jargen: Faya seemed kinda groggy when she left, too! Wonder what happened to her...

Jargen and Punjo notice them.

Jargen: Oh! Rel and Virno, you two are buds now?

Punjo: That's really 'olesome, actually. Betcha today's fighters won't be makin' amends that easily...!

The both of them laugh.

Rel: Guys... What did you say happened to Faya?

Rel was serious. Virno, Jargen and Punjo were all surprised with his sudden shift in tone.

Jargen: Oh, well Barr brought some razor weapons from the outside, one of them scraped Faya's side. Nothing major though! She still beat him by a landslide... You should've seen his state by the end of it!

Rel: But you were saying she was groggy...?

Jargen: Ah yes, just as she left the arena she wasn't walking so straight anymore... But I'm sure whatever it is the doctor will handle it. Nothing to worry about, so turn that frown upside down, boy!

Punjo nods. Rel starts running towards the orphanage.

Virno: HEY! What's the hurry?!

Rel: The doctor isn't coming today...!

Virno looks at Jargen and Punjo. All of their expressions had changed to match the severity of the situation. Virno tries to follow Rel, but his injuries kept him from keeping up with his pace.

Punjo: Jargen-

Jargen: Of course. Let's go.

Punjo: Hold on, Virno.

Punjo grabs Virno with Jargen's help, and the three of them hastily make their way to the orphanage, after Rel...

Tyssa: Where do you think you're going?!


Rel had made his way to the orphanage, only to find Tyssa blocking the entrance to Faya's room.

Tyssa: Cabdan said-

Rel grabs Tyssa by the collar, bringing her close to him.

Cabdan: I don't give a SHIT about what Cabdan wants, he's the reason she's in that state to begin with!

Tales of Undeath: The Von Virtus ChroniclesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora