XLIV. Abyssal Eclosion

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Tyssa: I was so sure you were nothing but trouble, so certain that your actions would bring us even more misery... It didn't cross my mind that maybe you were just fighting for what you believed to be right.

A pair of darkened eyes open, deep underground. The tainted liquid containing them begins to  bubble, as countless pipes whir and several mechanical gauges begin to go haywire. 

Tyssa: I... I always believed what I was told. Always trusted his words... He was the only one who was still by my side, the only person that I could rely on. Doubting him didn't so much as cross my mind, I didn't want to push him away. Anything was better than being alone. Anything...

Several terrified scientists attempt to contain whatever yearns to break free inside the cracking glass vat, yet it is too late. No valves can put a lid on its wrath, no tubes can redirect its fury. Was their experiment a success, after all...?

Tyssa: ... But I can't pretend like their words hold no weight anymore. Not when Yiel is involved. I just wish I could remember... That day is such a blur to me. It's funny, really... It was one of the most important days in my life. I lost the only family I had left... Yet no matter how much I try... I cannot recall how he died. Why? Why can't I remember...?

One of them rapidly turns around, running toward the shaking laboratory's exit. Whether they wanted to call for help or it was simply their survival instinct firing on all cylinders, that was not for anyone to know -- not after a grimy, black tentacle broke through the transparent prison and pierced their torso from one end to the other, straight through the chest. Their tachycardic heartbeat was no more... An instant kill.

Tyssa: If what they say is right, if that bastard killed my brother... Then I want him to pay myself. I don't care if I'm left all alone anymore... Loneliness may be painful, but I cannot imagine anything more hurtful than to be betrayed by the one person you depend so much on.

The remaining ones freeze in their tracks. Some pray to their gods, others kneel and beg for mercy... But prayers and supplications both go unanswered. No gods would save them, and as for mercy... A painless death was already the most merciful fate the murderous entity before them could grant. Their weapon of mass destruction had finally manifested -- it was just a shame they were to be its first victims.

Tyssa: He left me to die. Left me to be that man's plaything... He was supposed to protect me. He told me he would never leave me. After all I did for him... After all I let him do... I... I...

As it stepped over the broken glass shards that paved its way to freedom, no blood would spurt out of its humanoid body -- only the same thick, slimy black substance that had been enveloping it for so long. Cleanly-severed heads and impeccably-pierced hearts, every kill was a display of incredible grace and unparalleled accuracy. The once-organized laboratory was now a mess of black and red shades, as the blood spurting from the scientist's dead bodies mingled with the dark tar that poured out of the arrangement of countless tubes that riddled the floor.

Tyssa: I don't want to be frail anymore...! I want to be like you, Faya. You answer to no one, you're brave, you're strong... You're everything I could never be. So please... Don't die. Without you, there's no hope... 

One last horrified survivor remained. As the frightening entity got closer to him, he was able to take a better look at its corrupted figure: its sunken eyes were black as coal. Though it tried to speak, its words were unintelligible -- as if it was fighting its very tongue for control. Its arms seemed harder than steel yet they were malleable, capable of stretching and bending, creating tentacle-like protrusions that it used to quickly dispatch its hopeless prey. In that endless moment, seemingly frozen in time, he was certain they had unleashed a terrible abomination into the world. The fact that he was seconds away from dying suddenly brought him peace... He would not have to live to find out the full extent of the chaos their actions had brought.

Tyssa: I now realize how heavy your burden must have been. To have to fend for yourself, to fight for what you believe in, even when others try to tear you down... You're amazing. I'm ashamed it took me so long to see this, but I understand it now. I want to help, I want to bring him to justice, to get us the closure we deserve... I want each and every one of us to have control over our lives, to have the courage to stand up to those who aim to exploit us. I want us to be free...

It turns to him, trying to communicate. It seemed to want an answer, yet it could not muster the words to pose any understandable question. As the tentacles moved in swiftly to slay the man, it wrestles them for control, attempting to pull them back. The monster seemed to be at odds with its body: its mind desiring information, its instinct desiring slaughter. Then, as if struck by an epiphany, it locks eyes with the man. Its mouth opens wide, revealing a black tongue-like muscle that bent and morphed unnaturally. It stretches toward the man's nostrils in a flash, making its way inside his nose.

Tyssa: Maybe it's not fair of me to ask more of you. After all, you've already done so much... But even if you don't make it back to us, I promise: I will avenge you. I will make sure Cabdan dies... Even if I have to do it with my own hands. Your efforts will not be in vain. 

He feels a sharp pain. Then, nothing more. His body was entirely paralyzed, yet he was still conscious. He could feel it, understand it: the entity was communicating with him, directly burning its question into his brain, constantly probing his neurons for any pattern it could decode as an answer. He knew the answer, yet before deciding whether he should reveal it or not, it was too late. He could feel the viscous probe retract... The moment he thought about the question, his brain had subconsciously fired the connections that encoded the answer. Satisfied with its findings, the invader abandons his body. As it does, the man falls to the ground, motionless.

Tyssa: We may not be able to ever make it out of these slums... But we'll make them ours. I promise you.

It leaves the destroyed laboratory, crushing the iron doors that served as the only way inside on its way out. It seemed to know exactly where to go... Its next victim awaited.

Tales of Undeath: The Von Virtus ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now