XLVI. ... And the Mirror Cracked

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As he approached with unwavering confidence, the fury of the people grew to uncontrollable heights. A jumble of insults and curses were spat in his direction, with the only things keeping them from lashing out and outright striking Cabdan being the frightful and imposing nature of his mysterious company and the ominous black ring he wore on his pinky finger.

Cabdan: You're all bark and no bite. Settle down...

Just a few feet away from the raging crowd, Cabdan and Lunalus stopped.

Cabdan: I'm no fool, I realize you want me out of these slums -- preferably, in a splintered, rotting coffin. I am more than willing to leave you to your own affairs, if you grant me but a single request: the location of Virno von Virtus. Help me, and nobody will have to get hurt.

A short, slender figure moved through the angry mob with much difficulty. At least, she had reached the front.

Cabdan: Ah...

A sword is raised in his direction. It's bearer had no fear, no hesitation. The decision of cutting him down where he stood had already been made in her mind.

Tyssa: You're disgusting. After all you've done, how can you have the gall to address us with that attitude...?

He moves in for a hug, but Tyssa grabs the sword with both hands. She had no interest in a reunion.

Cabdan: My, Tyssa... What has gotten into you? Is that any way to treat me...?

Tyssa: SHUT UP! 

Her tone was far too menacing and assertive for someone so small and young. Those closest to her were caught off-guard -- Cabdan included. He takes a step back.

Tyssa: I was so naïve... I thought I could trust you. I really believed everyone was out to get you, that you were a kind soul surrounded by terrible people. But now... Now all I see when I look at you is a greedy, pathetic man, willing to use and abuse those around you to fulfil your goals. Just staring at your face... It makes me sick!

Cabdan grinned as he let out a dismissive laugh.

Cabdan: Look my sweet, I truly do not know what lies these people have been telling you. Of course you can trust me, you always could! Come stand by my side, I'll forget th-


She takes two unblinking steps forward, holding her blade mere centimetres away from his face. Cabdan's expression turns from a confident smile to a terrified frown as he stumbles backward, falling on his behind.

Tyssa: Yiel... What happened to him? I want the truth!

Lunalus witnessed all of this with a deep sadness -- as if Tyssa's pain was his own. He wiped a single tear from his face, refraining from intervening.

Cabdan: I told you the truth already...! Of course I did not go into detail, you would not want to hear how he was-

Tyssa: BARR WAS JUST A KID! I don't buy it for a second he killed my brother...! At least not without you instigating him to do it...

The veil had been lifted. Cabdan grinned as he stood up from the ground, finished with any attempts to mask his intentions.

Cabdan: You want the truth, my little Tyssa...?

He approaches her blade fearlessly, letting it pierce his expensive coat. Tyssa felt a paralyzing shiver.

Cabdan: The moment I set foot into that foul home of yours, filled with the stench of the carcasses of your rotting parents... I knew I was in for a treat. The rent they owed me was mere change compared to the fortune I could make from someone as precious and as young as you... But your brother, young as he was, was as unwavering as any young man over twice his age. He would not let me take you no matter what. He truly, truly cared for you.

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