LIV. First of the Last Sunsets

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Upon turning the corner of the inn, Virno notices that the driver had gathered a small audience. Some of the inn's customers who were on their way out had stopped to watch, their interest piqued by the assortment of intriguing mechanical artifacts that littered the floor. They whispered among themselves as they curiously observed the vehicle's re-assembly.

Virno: Shit. Just what we needed...

The driver seemed to have already noticed their presence, as the tone of their voice was far beyond welcoming.

Driver: ALRIGHT! You've gawked enough, move along now. I'm serious, I need focus if I'm doing this properly. Would you all get lost already?!

Onlooker: Apologies good sir, but it is not every day that we get to bear witness of the innards of such bleeding edge technology...!

Virno walked toward the man, trying to keep his composure as much as possible.

Virno: Hello there, gentlemen. Is there a problem? Why are you all bothering our driver?

The onlookers' attention shifts to Virno, though only for a brief moment, as the sight of one as young as he did not inspire enough authority for them to disengage their eyes from the mysterious puzzle that was being assembled before them. Only the very same man who had commented before seemed to acknowledge him.

Onlooker: Greetings, boy. Quite a marvellous thing you have here! I know plenty of parties that would be interested in acquiring such a vessel. Is there any chance you would be willing to part with it...?

Taking a deep breath, he tries to reply as calmly as he can.

Virno: ... Sorry, it's not for sale. I have to apologize, but we really are in a hurry, and your presence is disturbing the ongoing repairs. I ask that you please be on your way.

Two of the three onlookers heed Virno's request, deciding to move along. The man interested in purchasing Clavia's invention did not budge, however. He turns to the two other well-dressed men, who seemed to be accompanying him.

Onlooker: Hang on there, boys. Everyone has a price, this is the sort of opportunity one simply shouldn't let slip between their fingers...

Virno sighs, becoming increasingly annoyed at the man's insistence.

Virno: It's one of a kind, sir. I'm not sure you can put a price on something like it...

The man smiles, raising his eyebrow.

Onlooker: Well, but that's the best kind of thing to buy... And the best to sell, too!

Sick and tired of their unwelcome observers, the driver aggressively slides out from under the vehicle.

Driver: Fucking pompous ass...

The man's eyes widen in shock, in utter disbelief of what he thinks he has just heard.

Onlooker: E-excuse me...?

Virno: H-he doesn't mean anything by it, he's just irritated. Look, it's really not mine to sell, no matter how much you offer for it... I'm afraid you're wasting your time if you're looking to bargain.

The driver quickly gets inside the vehicle, violently fidgeting around the vehicle's dashboard, their fingers searching for something. The man seemed to turn a blind eye to their comment, choosing instead to focus his attention on Virno.

Onlooker: Who may I speak with, then...? I would very much like to acquire one of these. I insist -- money is not an issue.

Closer to losing his patience, Virno spoke in between gritted teeth.

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