IX. The Smoke of Two Fires

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On the other side of the curtain, they hear a man's voice.

Announcer: And now, ladies and gentlemen, give it up for the upcoming match... Rel versus the newcomer Virgo!

The crowd cheers, as Cabdan sticks his head through the curtain and says loudly:

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

The crowd cheers, as Cabdan sticks his head through the curtain and says loudly:

Captain: It's Virno, not Virgo...! 

Announcer: Rel versus Virno!

The announcer tries to correct himself, but his voice is barely audible with all the ruckus coming from the audience. Cabdan turns to the boys. 

Cabdan: It's showtime, lads! Give it your best! 

Rel and Virno go through the curtain and into the arena. The seats were probably a third as full as they were for Faya's fight.

Announcer: Alright, new guy, these are the rules: there are no rules! Except for no weapons from the outside... If you use anything that you brought from out there, you're immediately disqualified - that means we'll jump in the ring and beat the shit out of you. Got that? 

Virno raises his brow.

Virno: Who the fuck do you take me for? I'm no coward, unlike some of the losers you probably have around here...

The announcer is caught by surprise with his answer. 

Announcer: ... Give him an extra-special beating for me, would ya Rel?

Rel smiles. 

Announcer: Alright, touch hands you two!

Rel extends his fists. Virno does the same, and they touch. 


A man outside the arena rings a cowbell, signaling the official start of the match. Immediately, Virno lunges toward Rel. He swings at his head, and as Rel puts his left hand up to block, Virno fakes him out and moves in with a jab from his other hand instead. Rel is too fast, however, and dodges backward. 

Virno: This fucker's fast for his size... 

Rel approaches Virno once more. He throws a quick punch, which scrapes the side of Virno's torso and he dashes to evade. He takes a couple of steps back. 

Man from the audience: Come on, stop dancing you two!

Virno's eyes dart around the arena. It was clear to him that Rel was not only stronger, but also faster than him. Moreover, he had more hand-to-hand experience than Virno. He was fighting a losing match if he didn't change tactics...

Rel: Don't get any ideas. I'll knock you out fast, I promise... So don't move. 

Virno: Tch...

Virno had backed up against the wall of the arena. Rel was quickly closing in. As Virno gets within range, he charges a powerful punch. Virno uses the wall to his advantage, pushing himself away with his hands and foot and quickly escaping Rel's attack. He slides on the sandy ground, even crouching and having to use his hands to not lose balance. He elevates his fists up to his face, in combat position, then walks towards Rel. Rel is unafraid, and goes towards Virno with the intent of delivering a strong punch. As he winds up his right arm slightly, Virno extends one of his arms in a quick, wide motion and opens his hand, throwing sand and dust on Rel's face. Rel closes his eyes and slightly stumbles backward, covering his head with his arms. 

Tales of Undeath: The Von Virtus ChroniclesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora