XLVII. Melancholy Monster

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Unprepared for their comrades to turn on them and still recovering from their battle injuries, several citizens go down without so much as being able to defend themselves. Leveraging the chaos brought about by the ongoing skirmish, Cabdan was ready to retreat. Unfortunately for him, escaping wouldn't be so easy.

Tyssa: Running with your tail between your legs?! You're too predictable!

Panting, Tyssa raised her sword in his direction. After having made her way through the mob, dodging and hastily moving as fast as she could to reach him, she was almost out of breath. Still, now that there was nobody between her and Cabdan, there was no way for his overweight body to manage to outrun her. He stops in his tracks, his back still facing away from her.

Cabdan: Sweetheart, you don't want to do this...

She clenches her teeth, grasping her blade tighter.

Tyssa: STOP CALLING ME THAT! You're dying here today, so start taking this seriously. Do you want to go down as a clown...? At least make an effort to be a decent person in death!

He turns around, seeing a breathless Tyssa.

Cabdan: You're out of your depth, girl. You're no killer. You're a defenceless little girl, all alone in this cold, uncaring world... Again. Back to square one.

With a furious verve, she begins to stride in his direction.

Tyssa: Alone or not, I'm not afraid anymore. I'm not out to become a killer -- but there are people who just don't deserve to live. Unlike you, Cabdan, I'm no coward. Someone needs to stop you,  and I'm more glad to be the one to do it.

He pulls his jacket away, revealing a hidden sabre sheathed in his lower back.

Cabdan: You think I don't know you, girl? You don't scare me.

As she approaches him, he unsheathes his weapon, ready to strike. In the distance, Rel, Jargen and Punjo bear witness to what was about to unfold.

Rel: WE HAVE TO MOVE! They're about to clash blades!

Pinned down by the traitors surrounding them, the trio were barely able to cover any ground. Tyssa's  slender and unimposing figure may have allowed her to slip past the attackers, but there was no way three armored men were pushing their way through.

Punjo: There's just no way, lad...!

Punjo deflects an incoming blow with his left gauntlet, countering by swinging the warhammer in his right hand against the side of his enemy's head. The man's skull shatters, as his lifeless body is sent crashing towards the ground.

Jargen: We'll stay and hold them off, Punjo. Rel -- get to her. Let me give you a push!

Grabbing Rel by the back of his leather cuirass, Jargen swings his warhammer wide, briefly creating an opening in the encroaching circle of opponents. Using the momentum from his strike, he tosses Rel through the gap, as the young man braces for landing. With a well-timed roll just as he hit the ground, he quickly gets back on his feet while maintaining most of the speed from Jargen's throw. With this helpful speed boost, Rel was rapidly closed in on her position.

Rel: Faster, faster...!

Crouching, dodging and jumping over Cabdan's men, Rel moved like a gazelle through the battlefield. There was only one last obstacle in his path -- a barrier of men, anticipating his attempt to reach Cabdan. Far too tall to jump over, with no openings below... And much too wide to circle around. His only hope was to bash through... But of course they knew this. They were prepared, bracing for impact.

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