I. A Black Heart's Rebellion

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A noblewoman hastily moved through the corridors of her home in search of something...

A noblewoman hastily moved through the corridors of her home in search of something

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Noblewoman: That boy...!

She passed several butlers and maids, all of whom averted their eyes and tried to avoid looking her in the eye. She stopped one of them.

Noblewoman: You! Where is my son?! And don't you dare lie to me!

The unlucky butler gulps. As he tries to answer, words come out of his mouth with much difficulty. He stuttered uncontrollably.

Unlucky butler: A-ah y-yes! I-I-I-I-I believe he sh-shouldn't ta-ta-ta-take much l-longer, M-M-M-Missus von Virtus...!

She was losing her patience.

Mrs. von Virtus (Noblewoman): Answer my question or god help me if I don't replace you with someone else by next week!

The butler wipes the drops of sweat from his forehead.

Unlucky butler: H-he should s-still b-b-be in his r-r-room, madam...

Mrs. von Virtus: In his room...? At this time of day? On his own birthday?! Is he...

The butler escapes and walks hastily down the corridor, away from the noblewoman.

Mrs. von Virtus: Virno... I swear to all that is sacred, if you're doing it AGAIN...

She bolts down the corridor, straight to her son's room. A pair of maids pass her by, which snickered and giggled amongst themselves.

Mrs. von Virtus: YOU TWO! We do not pay you so that you can slack off and gossip all day long, do we?! Go on then, to your stations!

Before they leave, she grabs one of them by the arm.

Mrs. von Virtus: And not a word of this to anyone! If I hear any rumors around the mansion, I'll make sure no house in the country ever hires you two again!

The two maids nodded and immediately adopted a much more solemn expression. They bowed, but the woman had already turned away from them and was hurrying off in the other direction.

 They bowed, but the woman had already turned away from them and was hurrying off in the other direction

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