XVIII. Snake Eyes

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Cabdan is left to deal with Barr and Faya...

Cabdan: "Take care of this mess"...! Who does he think he is to boss me around...?!

He approaches their still petrified bodies. 

Cabdan: No matter... Soon enough I'll be the one calling the shots. The only one.

He stops close to them, letting out a sigh.

Cabdan: Alright then, let's see...

He tries to shove himself in between Barr and Faya, trying to pull them apart. As soon as he touches them, the time around them seems to resume. Faya coughs violently, and Barr seems extremely confused.

Barr: What the...?!

Cabdan: Mister Barr... Fancy seeing you here at this time of day. With your pants down, nonetheless.

Barr looks down, to see his pants around his ankles.

Cabdan: I trust you weren't planning on doing anything... Morally questionable. Were you...?

Still dumbfounded, he pulls his pants up.

Barr: 'Course not...

Cabdan: Good. It would be a shame if someone severely restricted your family's income streams, due to your lack of restraint...

Barr's face turns serious.

Barr: No need. Won't happen again...

As Barr prepares to leave, Cabdan grabs his arm.

Cabdan: This is your final warning... If you get me in trouble again, I will make sure your father rots away inside a hole so tiny and secluded that the last meals he'll taste will either be the carcasses of festering, disease-ridden rats, or the excrement that he pushes out of his drunken bloated body. You either do as I ask, or that is the fate that awaits him... I promise you that.

Cabdan had an empty gaze. Not a single shred of empathy.

Barr: Y-yes... I understand, Cabdan...

Barr looked frightened. Cabdan releases his arm, allowing him to go.

Faya: Where the fuck do you think you're going...?!

Faya had managed to stand up. Her eyes were teary and bloodshot. Her teeth visibly exposed, as she bit down on them hard.

Faya: I said I'd crush your balls... I MEANT THAT!

As she runs towards Barr, Cabdan pulls him back and steps in between both of them.



Cabdan: Need I remind you what could happen to your friends in the orphanage, if you were to do that...?

Faya stops, looking at Cabdan dead in the eye. She felt could kill him then and there.

Cabdan: You want revenge, correct? You shall have it. Tomorrow afternoon, you two can fight in the arena...

Faya: That's NOT enough...! 

She pauses for a moment.

Faya: ... I want you to promise me the doctor won't be around!

Cabdan widens his eyes.

Cabdan: You do realize that that could work against you, should you lose...?

Faya takes a couple of steps closer to him, standing practically on top of him.

Faya: No. Doctor. Okay?

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