XXXIV. Searing Ambition

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Virno wakes up. After resting for a couple of days, they could all stand on their feet once more. Jargen and Punjo's battle wounds severely hindered their movement, but Virno and Rel's bodies had not sustained such grave injuries, so they had regained almost all mobility. Even though Virno's ribs were in terrible shape, it was something he was doing his best to get used to. The four of them gathered at the entrance of the orphanage, where an increasingly larger group of people waited for them.

Punjo: Today's the big day, everyone!

Word was going around of what they'd done that night, how they risked their own lives to protect their home from Cabdan's men. As people heard of their plans to strike down Cabdan's empire in the slums, it sparked a flame in the hearts of those who had been crushed under his boot too long, all of whom were now ready to rally to their cause.

Rel: My parents tell me of a time where the people here lived happily and free, without fear of losing their very homes at the whim of some rich tyrant... The very man who once gave us shelter and food at the cost of what little we could provide has now fully turned his back on us, leaving the slums to be pillaged by his goons. Some of us have had enough. Some of us have chosen to rise up against him, and take back what's ours by whatever means necessary.  We stand here today to take another step towards that goal: to free our friends, our sisters, the daughters of those who have lost their lives... We stand here today, the first day of many, at the start of our journey to put a stop to Cabdan's rule. Together. Together, we take back what's ours!

People cheer and clap. A crowd of around 40 intently listened to Rel's speech.

Rel's father: That's my boy! I'm proud of ya, Rel!

Rel smiled, as did Virno, Jargen and Punjo. They finally felt like they had the manpower to make a dent in Cabdan's hold over the slums.

Virno: ... I know most of you don't know who I am. My mother and I arrived not even a week ago. Yet you made us feel like we were part of you. You gave us work. You shared your food with us. You have accepted us as equals... And I cannot let that kindness go unpaid. I feel like this is my home, too. The friends I have made, the memories that I carry with me... I am grateful for all of them. I won't let Cabdan or anybody else harm them or their homes. I will protect these slums with all that I've got, I promise you!

Virno's mother was also in the middle of the crowd, clutching her chest. She had a smile on her face, yet tears were streaming down from her saddened eyes. She seemed proud of her son, but also deeply worried for him...

Jargen: Ahem.

As Jargen clears his throat and prepares to speak, the crowd got especially quiet.

Jargen: I'm not one for speeches, but I feel like I have to say this: some of you may be aware that I once worked for Cabdan. I'm not proud of those days, and even though I've long since left that life, I still find it difficult to live down the things I did back then. Nothing I do will undo the damage I've caused. I just hope that, today, that weight gets a little bit easier to carry. True, I'm not in any shape to fight... But to hell with that. A broken body won't stop me from giving that rich bastard a good punch in the face. I hope you all share the same motivation... That's all.

Punjo was the first to clap, and also the loudest. The rest of the crowd followed. 

Punjo: 'Aight everyone. We'll be movin' ta tear that place down as soon as some weapons and armor get delivered t'us.

Man in the crowd: ... But who's gonna be givin' us all that?

Virno flipped Ballo's silver coin repeatedly in his right hand. It kept landing tails, just as he said it would.

Virno: Someone who wants to help us take Cabdan down, and has the means to do so. It's not just us against him anymore...

The residents conversed among themselves, ecstatic that not only did Cabdan have enemies outside the slums, but that those enemies were willing to assist them in breaking free from his clutches.

Rel: Uh... Guys...

As Virno flips the coin higher, a strange shadow blocks out the sun underneath.

Woman in the crowd: What is that...?!

From a above, several hook lines were shot into the ground below. What seemed like a flying ship was casting an immense shadow over the orphanage. 

Man in the crowd: Look! They are something down the lines...!

Several metal crates to slide down to the ground, their covers popping open as soon as they hit the floor. From out of the crates, armour and weapons spilled out -- more than enough to go around.

Jargen: Speak of the devil...

People flocked to the crates, equipping themselves with shiny, well-built gear.

Punjo: Oy, leave some fer us!

Virno notices a hook line shooting into the orphanage's garden, with a human silhouette riding atop more containers.

Virno: Did you guys see that?

Rel: Yeah. Come on!

As everybody else was busy picking their armaments, the group of four entered the orphanage and made their way to the garden. There, four large metal boxes waited for them.

Ballo: Well well, that's quite the crowd you managed to gather!

From behind the crates they heard a familiar voice. As he walked around one of them, they recognized his face: it was Ballo. He was also wearing a full suit of armor, with a winged helmet sporting a visor which allowed him to conceal his face entirely.

Ballo: These are all yours!

Ballo bangs on the crates, making the lids pop open. Each container had armour and weapons made specifically for each of them.

Jargen: Holy...

Ballo informs them as to which crate belonged to whom. Jargen's had a full set of dark-blue steel armour. The helmet covered his face, with numerous menacing spikes protruding from the sides and back. He was to wield a large warhammer, as was Punjo. He was given a similar set of armour, but his was dark-red in colour, with a helmet featuring two large bull horns. Even though their injuries would prevent them from fully utilising their new armour, they were both over-the-moon excited.

Rel: What's up with my armor...?

Rel's armor was mainly leather, all except for his legs: those were steel.

Ballo: Yes, about yours... My source didn't exactly have as much time as they wanted to fulfil my order, so they had to improvise a bit... Hope that's alright, young man.

Rel smiled.

Rel: No, no. Don't worry! I think I like it better this way...

The steel was surprisingly light, making it so that Rel could deliver fast, but incredibly powerful kicks to his opponents.

Ballo: And as for you, Virno...

The lid falls to the ground with a thunderous thud, revealing Virno's armour. His was also leather, though it was a black set with golden linings. The shoulderpads and boots were adorned with gold plates, engraved upon which was a strange symbol he did not recognize. Upon further inspection, all other armor sets and weapons seemed to share this very symbol -- most likely the maker's markings.

Virno: Heh... Cabdan's got no idea what's coming.

They each donned their new getups, ready for combat.

Ballo: Shall we march onwards, then...?

Armed to the teeth, a small army rises to wrestle away Cabdan's hold over their home.

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