XXV. Chaos Overture

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At around the same time, a heavy aura could be felt inside the headquarters of Eclipse. The doors of the marble legislative chambers are opened by the Lion. Behind him, several other members enter the room. 

The Lion: Sit down everyone. FAST.

People quickly take to their seats. They did not yet know what had happened, only that it was serious... Very serious.

The Lion: Nox have drawn first blood. One of us has been murdered... The Leopard is no longer among us.

This information  stunned everyone in the room. For a while, their shock rendered them speechless, and they simply listened intently to the rest of what the Lion had to say.

The Lion: His city is now completely under their jurisdiction. This not only means that we have lost our connections to the informants and allies therein...

He briefly pauses, defeated.

The Lion: ... But also that, as it stands, reaching Virno von Virtus would be too far too dangerous. After much deliberation, I must inform you all that we have no choice but to abandon him.

Finally, the silence is broken. Members begin to bicker amongst themselves, discussing the Leopard's death and debating what course of action to take after these tragic developments. The Owl traded no words with anyone, however. Without hesitation, he stands up. 

The Owl: We must not, Lion! Virno is our chance to turn the tables around and see our goals through, abandoning him means letting go of the only chance we have of putting a stop to our enemies' plans!

The room quiets down once more upon hearing the Owl's words loud and clear. The Lion shakes his head in response to it.

The Lion: Owl... I understand your point, but we simply cannot risk losing anybody else. If they capture one of us... They will spare no means to make that person open a portal back here. We cannot afford that danger.

The Dragon and Fawn stand up, joining the Owl.

The Dragon: Dammit... But we can't  just let the boy go, either!

The Fawn: Isn't there some way we can help...?

The Lion: I'm afraid not... We would be endangering the fellow members of this organization.

The Dragon: Sorry, Lion, but we're acting like cowards. One of us has perished, and we run with our tail between our legs?! I know we are vastly outnumbered, but we have to do something!

The Lion's posture and tone of voice changes. He didn't seem pleased with their interventions.

The Lion: We are doing something, Dragon. We are preserving our very livelihoods. Is that not enough for you? Would you rather strike back and get us all wiped out for good?

The Owl's blood begins to boil.

The Owl: I did not expect this of you, Lion. Our leader should not act so act to cravenly...!

The Lion stands up, striking his energy gong. It's loud beat sends shivers down the spines of several members in the room.

The Lion: ENOUGH! This arrogance will not be tolerated! I do what I do to protect us, our hands are tied! As your leader, it is my responsibility to determine the best course of action, which is to lay low for the time being. Any attempt to hurt Nox when they are out for blood would only endanger us needlessly!

The Owl: NOT NEEDLESSLY! One of us has died, and you choose to abandon our only chance of victory?! No, Lion! I cannot stand behind you on this, we should put all hands on deck and storm the city itself, rid Nox's influence over it, and secure von Virtus!

Tales of Undeath: The Von Virtus ChroniclesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora