VII. Betwixt Sun and Moon

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Meanwhile, in an undisclosed location...

The Lion: Be seated, everyone. We have finally pinpointed their whereabouts.

A man with a grey lion mask spoke from the center of what resembled a legislative chamber, built entirely of black and white marble. The room was lit by several torches, which emanated a grey flame.

Everybody inside wore black and white robes, and each had a unique grey mask resembling some animal

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Everybody inside wore black and white robes, and each had a unique grey mask resembling some animal.

The Lion: All but the Leopard, that is.

A man with a Leopard mask remained standing.

The Lion: You may tell the others what you know...

The Leopard nods.

The Leopard: Colleagues... I have learned from a local slum lord in the city under my jurisdiction, that he has recently rented one of his homes to an infamous family... The wife and child of the recently-deceased Charles von Virtus.

The room was silent. Everyone listened attentively.

The Leopard: To those whose memory escapes them, it would be worthwhile to recall that Charles had once sought one of the seven deadly weapons, the sword of greed... After failing to pass the sword's trials, he and his bloodline were cursed by the blade. After his death, the oldest of his descendants will hear the curse's call until the day they die. This call will entice them to seek the weapon and claim it for themselves. It will keep spreading from generation to generation... Until either the bloodline dies out, or the sword is freed.

The Lion: You may sit now...

The Leopard sits back down.

The Lion: ... With all of this in mind, we are gathered here today because we must decide what to do with Charles' boy. He is his only son, and as such, it is only a matter of time before the curse manifests itself. He will hear its call soon if he hasn't already. Should the boy seek the blade, and actually manage to claim it... It could spell disaster for the balance of our world.

Some members bicker among themselves.

The Lion: I request that you save whatever insight you may have for your respective turn to speak...

Most of them quiet down, but one with an owl mask is still chatting.

The Lion sighs.

The Lion: Elder... It would seem you are especially eager to speak your mind. I take it you would like to start the discussion...?

A man with an owl mask and a curved back stands up.

The Owl: Well yes I would...! I thought you'd never ask.

The Lion shakes his head as the Owl clears his throat.

The Owl: Prestigious members of our organization, I believe this is the chance we have been waiting for! We should enlist the boy in our very ranks, and help him claim the blade. With the wielder of one of the deadly weapons by our side, we would have an indispensable edge in the upcoming war!

Tales of Undeath: The Von Virtus ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now