XVI. Cynosure

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Come the afternoon, Virno awaits the doctor's arrival in the orphanage. He wanted to see Faya's fight, but he couldn't afford to pay the entry fee and risk not having enough money at the end of the month for food and rent.

After the fight is over, the orphanage has a sudden burst of liveliness.

Older woman: Make way! Make way!

Rel and another man carried some unfortunate soul on a stretcher, no doubt Faya's opponent. Luckily for this one, he didn't seem to be at death's door. The doctor and Faya followed close behind.

The Leopard: Make sure you have the pain-numbing herbs ready. This shouldn't take long today. Standard fare, no extras... Cabdan can pay me next time, I don't plan on waiting around for him today.

Virno goes into the corridor, to see the commotion for himself. He locks eyes with the doctor.

The Leopard: Ah, you're here already! Good, that will save us some time. Come with us...

Virno greets Rel with a friendly wave. He nods and smiles back, since his hands were busy carrying the stretcher. He joins Faya and the doctor.

Virno: So... I'm guessing you won this one, too.

Faya: Keen sighted as usual...! Indeed I did.

She smiles.

Virno: So when can we talk about that thing...?

Faya laughs.

Faya: Ahahah Virno, don't say those things! You're going to make me blush!

The doctor awkwardly turns his head away.

Faya (hushed): I told you, not here!

She says, widening her eyes at him.

Virno (hushed): But then where...?

Faya (hushed): After you're done with the doc, I'll be in the garden. Meet me there then!

He nods.

Older woman: Alright, everybody out except for the doctor!

Says the woman, as the injured man is carried into a vacant room.

The Leopard: Actually, that boy can stay.

He points towards Virno.

The Leopard: Everybody else can go. Including you, madam. I'll take care of this today.

The nurse bows, and takes her leave after everybody else is out of the room.

The Leopard: Shut the door, would you Virno?

Virno closes the door.

The Leopard: Good. Let's get this started.

The doctor's hands cast magical glyphs, allowing him to telekinetically grab some nearby herbs and a bowl. He quickly turns the herbs to mush inside the bowl, then adds his own special liquid ingredient to them. The injured man drinks the resulting concoction and soon passes out.

The Leopard: One final precaution...

He clasps both hands together. As they come into contact with one another, the glyphs in them change, and as he separates them, a bubble of energy surrounds both him and Virno. There was no sound from the outside inside the bubble.

The Leopard: We may talk now.

He sits in a nearby chair, and pulls one close to Virno so he can sit, too.

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