XXIII. ... Old Shades Dance

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From Sadduccee's hands, magical glyphs summon forth his own weapons.

Sadduccee: We may be fewer in number in Eclipse, Lunalus... But the combat ability of any of our warriors greatly exceeds that of any of your members.

Lunalus dashes towards Sadduccee, smiling from ear to ear. He thrusts his spear forwards, which is quickly blocked by him. Equipped in his hands were silver claws, which now expertly held the spear in place.

Lunalus: Hahahah! I don't doubt you. But I'm no ordinary member...

From the tip of his spear, a dark explosion separates them. They are projected several feet backward, both landing on their feet.

Lunalus: Let me show you the limitless potential of raw destruction itself...!

From his left hand, Lunalus casts a black glyph that conjures several bolts of dark energy around him. They quickly home in on Sadd.

Sadduccee: Destruction, creation... Mastery over space and time encompasses all. Your primitive magic pales in comparison.

Just before the bolts hit him, Sadduccee holds his hands together, forming a glyph that creates a barrier in front of him. As the projectiles hit the barrier, it's as if time itself begins to unwind, and they get sent back to the attacker.

Lunalus: Tch. No fun.

Lunalus holds his spear up high, attracting the dark projectiles to it. As they hit his weapon, their energy is transferred to it, making it overflow with darkness.

Lunalus: You put too much faith in your fancy spells... At the end of the day...

He throws his spear with all the strength he can muster.

Lunalus: ... Sheer power renders all tactics obsolete!

Sadduccee jumps as if gravity itself did not affect him. The spear passes through his barrier, flying underneath him completely unaffected, and punching a massive hole through the library wall. Dark energy explodes from the point of impact and spreads to the adjacent areas, rotting and decaying the wood around.

Lunalus: Always running away and deflecting attacks... It's so tedious to fight someone who lacks the fire of battle inside them...!

As Sadduccee descends upon him, ready to slash at him with his claws, Lunalus fires torrents of dark energy from his palms straight at the ground beneath, propelling him upward and toward him. The ground beneath him begins to disintegrate, afflicted with the dark magic.

Lunalus: COME! Slash me, Sadduccee! Cut me up, spill my blood! Let our final fight be unforgettable...!

As he comes into contact with Sadduccee, he phases right through him, as his opponent's own physical form vanishes into nothingness. It was a mirage. The real Sadduccee was down below, preparing to strike Lunalus from behind.

Lunalus: SADDUCCEE...!

A sphere of grey energy hits Lunalus in the back, spreading across his body to create shackles around his wrists and ankles, preventing him from moving his limbs. He crashes to the ground, pinned down by his opponent's attack.

Sadduccee: We each fight with according to our strengths. Yours may be brute force... Mine isn't.

Sadducee slowly approaches him.

Lunalus: I wanted to give you a good fight, Sadduccee. I really did...

Sadduccee: This isn't some game. You may kill to fulfil some sick base desire you may have... But I kill to protect. I kill because my mission-

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