XXXI. Our Bond of Endless Iron...

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Virno: Our mission is to protect our home and the people living in it, and protect them we will.

Jargen lets go of Ballo, caught off-guard by Virno's attitude.

Punjo: I dunno what that old geezer did to ya Virno, but a kid so young as ye shouldn't be taking lives... Let alone so easily.

He says, as he places his only functioning hand in his old friend's shoulder. Jargen nods.

Virno: It wasn't his fault... 

Virno looks at the dead bodies once more.

Virno: ... If anything, it was Cabdan's. If it wasn't for him, all of this bloodshed could have been avoided. But I'm not going to sit idly by or run away as they take what's ours.

Ballo smiles, yet Virno did not seem so pleased. He looks him dead in the eye.

Virno: You... What do you want? Why are you here...?

Ballo: I am here to help you. That sword you wielded is quite powerful, but if protecting those dear to you is what you truly desire, then it will end up letting you down... Cutting up ruffians is one thing, but there are far more fearsome enemies out there.

Ballo extends his right hand, with the palm facing up. A glowing glyph causes a mask to emerge from it: the mask of the Leopard.

Virno: That mask...

Rel: It looks exactly like the doctor's...!

Ballo sighs.

Ballo: It is. Or rather, it was... 

He channels energy into it, causing the eyes of the mask to glow.

Ballo: ... It's best  if you see it for yourselves.

From its glowing eyes, a projection is cast into the air. The images it displayed revealed the last moments of the Leopard's life: the battle against Lunalus. In these moments, Cabdan could sometimes be glimpsed cowering in fear.

Rel: Cabdan was there...

Ballo: This man, Cabdan... He has struck a deal with a faction whose main goal is to bring about the destruction of our world. This faction calls themselves "Nox"... And that man with glowing dark eyes...

He points at Lunalus.

Ballo: ... Is Nox's spymaster, and one of their most dangerous members: Lunalus. He's the one responsible for slaying the Leopard. A man with the power to see through the eyes of those that serve him, and to take hold of their bodies, making them his own.

Rel bit down on his teeth.

Rel: That bastard...! If the doctor is dead, how can we save her...?

Jargen and Punjo seemed to share his concern, as they all had an equally disillusioned look in their face. Ballo did not seem to understand them.

Ballo: Save who, exactly...? Young man, you fail to realize the gravity of the situation. With Nox's rise, entire cities will perish. Your friend should be the least of your concerns...!

Rel looks into his eyes with a burning gaze.

Rel: Does it look like we can do anything to stop that?! We can barely keep those dear to us alive...! If only we could accomplish that much, it'd be more than enough for me...

Virno didn't seem shaken by this turn of events, he still had a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

Virno: She's not gone yet, guys... The doctor may be dead, but at least we have confirmation that Cabdan is involved. If he poisoned her, or knows anything about it... Chances are he'll also know how to get an antidote.

Tales of Undeath: The Von Virtus ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now