Jacob only nodded in response.

The family then went their separate ways to see how they would handle the situation—only Serafina remained where she sat, still thinking about the apology. She knew it wasn't a legitimate apology; it was only Edward trying to get his way—no sincerity. But she still debated before she began thinking about her wife after seeing Edward glance toward her. It was her way to keep him from seeing into her head. She couldn't help but glare as she turned to look in another direction and saw Emmett still staring out the window.

"Are you that worried?" Serafina couldn't help but ask.

"No," Emmett answered, "I just think I should go for a walk."

"That's not a good idea," Jacob answered, "To a lot of the pack, you're one of the biggest threats. If you went out alone, they'd probably charge just to get you."

"Really?" Emmett said, and they could all hear the smile in his voice, "As they should. I am the biggest threat."

"Tell him what you're holding back, Jacob," Edward couldn't help but smirk a little.

Emmett glanced toward Jacob, who did seem to be holding something back, "What?" he asked before turning back.

"Well, mostly the younger and newer wolves see you as the biggest threat. Sam, Jared, and Paul, the more seasoned fighters," Jacob emphasized, "Well, they see that guy that led the training exercises before as the biggest threat."

"Ha!" they all heard Jasper from the opposite side of the house laugh at the revelation.

"That's not true!" Emmett said while spinning around to face the room, "Jasper only got the drop on me in those training sessions because he cheated."

"I didn't cheat," Jasper said after appearing beside Emmett, "Your moves are just predictable."

"I can still kick your ass at Madden!" Emmett grumbled as he finally left the window to head toward the television, with Jasper following.

Things were beginning to go back to normal. It was as normal as things could be when something grew inside its human host in the middle of their living room. Memories of the movie with an alien popping out of a man's chest would surface constantly for Serafina. She couldn't help thinking things like this as she continued seeing the girl's stomach enlarging while she became a withered husk. She found it pretty gross but decided to help until the girl drew her last breath.

Soon, it was time for another appointment with Carlisle. Everyone could hear the conversation between Carlisle, Edward, and Bella in the other room of the house. The fetus was killing the girl, breaking her bones, and starving her. The outlook wasn't looking good.

"When did you get to be buddy-buddy with Bella?" Emmett asked as he turned on his video games to play on the big TV. He offered her one of the controllers as he did so.

"Who said I was buddy-buddy with the girl?" Serafina asked as she ignored the video game controller and looked up at the man incredulously.

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