Chapter 28: A Heart In Need Of A Renovation

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December 1811 - January 1812

Mina sipped from her tea, relishing a moment of respite before continuing her storytelling, which had already stretched into the wee hours of the night. Her gaze wandered to the beige carpet, where two faint marks hinted at past incidents. Perhaps a spill of paint from her artistic endeavours? Or perchance remnants of chocolate left by Evie's tiny fingers after a tumble from the settee?

As the evening progressed at St Helens, the crackling of the fireplace echoed the fading melody of its withered life, casting a gentle glow upon the drawing room where two ladies sat, each ensconced in her own chair, draped in cosy shawls.

Revisiting the events of those tumultuous months that ultimately drove Mina to flee from Southampton stirred a torrent of emotions within her. Despite the discomfort, she knew she must reveal the truth, lay bare her heart and acknowledge her disappointments to a person very close to her heart.

"So, what was the secret, Mina?" Evie asked in a hushed tone, the clinking sound of her cup meeting the saucer resonating softly as she placed it on the table.

Mina returned her attention to her younger sister's visage. No longer a lass, but a woman with the promise of new life blossoming within her womb. It was still early in her pregnancy; Mina was among the first to be entrusted with this joyful news. Not even Alistair, her husband, was privy to it, for if he had been, he would have surely forbidden his wife from accompanying Mina to her residence on the Isle of Wight. And Mina would never have asked her sister for such a great favour, had Evie confided in her before they departed from the harbour.

"Are you certain you wish to know, Evie? Considering your delicate condition, I would regret if the truth were to distress you in any manner."

A plethora of emotions played across Evie's visage.

Apprehension. Affection. Disdain. Disbelief. Hope. Hurt.

"My dear sister, upon your arrival at my doorstep, tearful and in distress, cursing the saints and devils alike, I sensed that a matter of great gravity had transpired. Considering that you have torn me away from my husband, and I am now spending my first Christmas as a married woman with you instead of Alistair, it is only fair that you provide me with the full account of what has occurred."

Her voice was gentle yet firm. Mina understood that Evie spoke the truth, and owed her the final revelation, the climactic moment lurking behind the velvet curtains, waiting to take centre stage. Yet, an unexpected player was about to enter the scene, a disfigured man whose presence inspired only fear and trepidation. Even Mina's admission of intimacy with Royston failed to unsettle Evie as much as this the anticipation of the secret did.

Mina sighed heavily. "We were seated in the library, and Lady Langdon approached the windowsill..."

The rustle of skirts stirred Mina from her momentary reverie as Polly fell silent, carefully considering the phrasing of her impending revelation. Roy, his demeanour taut with anticipation, turned his gaze towards Mina, his lips pressed together in anxious expectation. With each passing moment, the tension in the room seemed to mount.

"You may not be aware, dear Mina," Polly began, her voice measured and composed, "but you and Roy are distant cousins—fourth cousins to be precise—linked by the ties of blood through your respective fathers. However, the familial connection between you is so distant as to render you almost strangers in terms of kinship. Hence, the unexpected inheritance that has befallen Roy has taken us by surprise, as we had not anticipated such a turn of events. It appears that Providence has its own mysterious designs and motives, guiding our destinies in ways we cannot fathom."

She then shifted her gaze towards Mina. "We were all residents of Southampton in bygone days; your father, mother, I, and my dear departed husband. Despite his innate goodness, my husband faced financial struggles in his youth, frankly speaking, he was quite poor. Yet, with perseverance and the assistance of his family, he amassed the means to pursue his studies and eventually attained the esteemed title of doctor. Upon his return, he embarked on the quest to find a suitable bride."

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