Chapter 10: The Most Daring Bet

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July 1811

"Does it pain you, sir?" The physician inquired of Royston as he gently applied pressure to his elbow.

"Nay," replied Royston in a calm tone.

"And here?" The physician continued his examination.

"Nay," came the answer once more.

"Very well, my lord. I shall now remove the cloth, and I kindly request you to slowly extend your arm," the physician instructed.

As the cloth was set aside, Royston carefully extended his arm, feeling a slight resistance. Suddenly, a resounding pop echoed through the room, briefly startling him. However, to his great relief, his arm remained unharmed and devoid of any discomfort.

"Indeed, Lord Langdon, it appears your elbow has mended splendidly. Nevertheless, I would advise caution, for you may experience a sensation as if the arm is not entirely your own," the physician cautioned.

Royston expressed his gratitude with a nod of acknowledgement. With the obstruction now gone, he hastened to inform his mother, who was on the verge of departing with Mina for a visit to their neighbours.

"Pray, do you observe something, my dearest mother?" He inquired, his voice filled with mirth, a warm smile gracing his countenance as he raised both of his hands.

"Could it be, dear son, that you have added a touch of robustness from your leisurely pursuits at home these past weeks?" Polly quipped, her eyes twinkling mischievously. She then added, "I am most delighted to see your elbow has mended, bringing an end to your vexations, I hope."

Mina's lips quivered with suppressed amusement, and she struggled to maintain her composure. Royston, in response, affected a derisive tone and deftly changed the subject, asking, "Pray, may I inquire about your destination, my ladies?"

"We are on our way to pay a visit to the Dalloway residence for a cup of tea," Polly replied, her gloved hand gently encircling Mina's arm, signifying their intention to begin their stroll to the neighbouring house.

"Could I entreat to accompany you, mother?" Royston ventured.

The question took Polly by surprise, and it equally astonished Mina, given the tone of their recent exchange.

"Why not, Roy, I'm quite certain our esteemed neighbours would be most delighted to make the acquaintance of the elusive Viscount Sinclair at long last," Lady Langdon replied, a smile as gracious as her son's adorning her countenance as the trio set out on their leisurely promenade, with Mina positioned between them.

Royston simply shrugged his shoulders and replied, "Indeed, it is a splendid day, is it not? My elbow has mended, the requisite materials for the renovation are en route, and the plan nears its fruition. What more could a gentleman have earnestly prayed for? Even Miss Haswell appears to be rather tranquil this fine day."

Yet, in that fleeting moment when Mina felt as though she had evaporated into the ether in the company of mother and son, Royston felt compelled to jolt her back to reality.

"I am reserving my energy for the forthcoming visit to the Dalloways," Mina responded with composure, her gaze meeting Royston's with a hint of mischievousness. "Furthermore, there is a certain allure in relishing the day in silence. But, Lord Langdon, you should be aware of such pleasures, having been quite solitary in your renovation pursuit thus far. I do hope that your silence shall extend to your everyday affairs as well."

Polly couldn't help but flash a discreet smile at this playful jab, even as her son rolled his eyes in mock disdain. "I dare say, Miss Haswell, it is through challenges and trials that we may aspire to become the finest versions of ourselves," he responded, his sardonic undertone cleverly concealed beneath his eloquent words.

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