Chapter 12: Against His Own Wish

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August 1811

Royston wouldn't hesitate to confess that, despite his current and well-regarded career as an architect, he wasn't the most diligent student during his younger days. He only did as much as was required by his teachers and mentors. And even the Almighty was aware of that if it weren't for the recognition his father's name afforded him, he certainly wouldn't have been accepted by the renowned architect, Mr. Watts, to further hone his skills in his office. The reason was straightforward: young Royston had a penchant for his circle of friends and various social gatherings. Therefore, he often found himself drawn to mischief whenever the opportunity presented itself.

However, after his father's passing, he underwent a transformation as his world turned around. This change was primarily born out of a certain fear that gripped him; a profound apprehension that settled in once the initial waves of mourning receded. The prospect of forming an attachment, only to have it shattered by sudden departure, was a pain he wished to avoid at all costs.

The thought of losing his mother was something Roy couldn't bear to entertain, even though he knew that one day she would pass on. Fortunately, that day was far off in the future.

He resolved to develop a tough exterior, to maintain a certain distance from his friends, to keep acquaintances at a polite arm's length. He would flirt, certainly, but never let things progress too far... Roy wanted no attachments that might leave him open and defenceless once more. The memory of how tenderly his father cared for the less fortunate, and the tragic end it brought him, was a painful reminder.

Therefore, Royston toiled and studied, striving to fill the meticulously constructed walls of his world with knowledge, keeping it an emotional void. He channelled his passion into his architectural expertise, and it rewarded him handsomely.

Was he lonely? Undeniably. Did he desire companionship? Fleetingly.

So, why did he engage in a wager to win Miss Whitcombe's hand in marriage?

That was a valid question, and Royston knew the answer well. Eleanor, with her beauty and amiable nature, beckoned to him. Should she become his wife, she would certainly be a refuge of serenity. Their relationship would be then built on mutual respect, not sentiment, which he reserved for his mother. And if Providence smiled upon him, perhaps even his children would receive it, although they might know him as a distant, unemotional father, safeguarded from forming the same deep attachments he had with his own father.

The bet was primarily intended to marry off Miss Haswell, to rid himself of her ever-vexing presence in his home. Even as he planned to return to Dover, where most of his connections resided, he was determined to have her gone. Royston was feeling particularly petty, and at the height of this pettiness, he decided to compel her into staking her summer residence in St Helens simply because she happened to fancy that simpleton, Westhaven.

Royston found himself losing in a battle of wits with Mina, as she had the upper hand in their verbal clashes. However, he couldn't afford to lose the bet, especially considering her affections for the Earl. She had made her choice, and Royston was willing to respect it. In fact, he was even ready to help her win his heart, although he had only a faint idea of how to do so. Subtlety and tactful conversation weren't skills he often needed in his social circles, which were far from composed of uptight aristocrats with their ever-present fans, ready to wave away the slightest inconvenience.

Yet Royston was stubborn enough to press on, for he feared the potential loss in an entirely different conflict - a battle of the heart that might never be requited. Bah! Reciprocity was unnecessary, for he strictly forbade himself from considering Mina in any other light than a constant thorn in his side. He resolved to dissuade her with his own sharp demeanour and a tongue that could cut as sharply as any lash.

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