Chapter 14: A Tempest of Temptation

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September 1811

Royston sensed impending trouble, no matter how captivating the rest of the assembly proved to be. The moment he espied Mina engaged in conversation with Eleanor and Evie, he knew his fate was sealed, and the subsequent prickly glare he received from Mina merely served as a solemn confirmation.

Maintaining her composure during the carriage ride home, Mina adeptly preserved her façade for an entire day. However, on the second day, the simmering tension finally erupted like an overboiling cauldron.

Without the courtesy of a knock or forewarning, Mina barged into Royston's study, where he was deeply engrossed in discourse with a tradesman. Roy regarded her with a quizzical gaze, immediately discerning from her forced smile and the ruthless glint in her eyes that she was heralding a tempest of formidable force. A tempest destined to leave him utterly and thoroughly undone.

"Miss Haswell, if you may—" he began but was promptly interrupted as she positioned herself before his table, right next to the seated tradesman, who observed the unfolding drama with heightened interest.

"You damn well know I may not," she retorted with a fiery tone, her gaze unwavering.

"Now," Roy interjected calmly, "there's no need to cause a scene in front of a guest."

She scoffed, tilting her head in astonishment. "Am I causing a scene?"

In one bold motion, she swiped her hands across his table, clearing it of papers and whatever else lay there. Documents were scattered in various directions, the inkwell thudded onto the floor, and the charcoals, once carefully set aside, shattered into several pieces.

"Now I am causing a scene," she declared firmly.

The tradesman took the hint and excused himself, promising to return at a more convenient time. As the door closed behind him, Royston rose slowly from his chair, his eyes clouded with simmering anger.

"Causing a scene is one thing, but ruining my personal belongings is a transgression I find difficult to forgive," he warned Mina, his voice low and intense.

The heated exchange that ensued reached Lady Langdon's ears as she hosted a refined tea party with two esteemed neighbours.

"What is all that commotion?" inquired one of the ladies, casting a curious glance towards the closed door.

Polly, with a mischievous smirk gracing her features, replied, "Oh, I suppose the courting has commenced."

Mina, not one to be outdone, raised her voice in retort, "You know what else is ruined, Langdon? Your wretched character and that is certainly not my doing!"

Royston scoffed and a hint of arrogance appeared in his demeanour. "Pray, is this about the remark I made to Miss Whitcombe?"

Mina's piercing gaze pricked him further. "If only! How is it that every time I extend an amiable disposition, you uncover yet another barb to sting me with!"

"You will have to be more specific, I'm afraid," he retorted, his voice rising in indignation.

"Westhaven!" Mina exclaimed, her voice carrying across the room. "I am aware that he has graced this house, perhaps on more than one occasion. Pray, what efforts are you expending in my favour, apart from tarnishing my reputation in front of my dear friend? Could it be that you are deliberately undermining both my standing and your prospects with Eleanor for your own perverse amusement?"

Her accusation caused a crimson hue to spread across his cheeks. "You are woefully out of touch with reality, madam!"

Roy circled his desk, positioning himself squarely in front of Mina. The intensity in his eyes hinted at a smouldering fire of indignation. She realized her disadvantageous position, torn between the choice of either pushing him aside or delicately manoeuvring through the narrow passage on either side.

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