Chapter 2: A Welcome Surprise

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April 1811

As Mina reclined in a high-backed, upholstered chair, her younger sister, Evie, paced restlessly about the drawing room. The wedding was a mere day away, yet Mr. Langdon's reply seemed as distant as the farthest reaches of the earth.

"I explicitly advised against sending that letter to him! But no, age seems to grant such a profound wisdom in your case – look what did you do, being all high-horse!" Evie chided with frustration, her anger palpable.

She then suddenly halted in her tracks, a familiar storm of emotions brewing within her, and then, true to form, she burst into tears once more.

Good grief, Mina thought to herself, I hope the woman is staying hydrated considering that she must've cried an ocean by now. While Mina empathized with the weight of responsibility and heightened emotions that accompanied her sister's impending nuptials – after all, she herself was under immense pressure to ensure everything was perfect for Evie's momentous day – the frequent outbursts of tears had begun to test her patience. There was hope that the soon-to-be groom was adequately prepared for the depth of her sister's sensitivity. If Evie continued to cry at this rate, one could only imagine the challenges he might face, especially on their wedding night – might be that her betrothed gets himself baptised again with all that downpour. With a resigned sigh, Mina attempted to console her sister.

"Evie, I apologize if my actions have offended Mr. Langdon, but he must understand the importance of his presence. It's in his own best interest."

To this, Evie retorted with a hint of bitterness, "Well, my dowry was supposed to be in your best interest and look how well that has turned out!"

Mina rose gracefully from her seat, extending her hand to clasp her sister's delicate fingers. "Dearest sister," she began with an air of determination, "If it falls upon me to embark on a journey to Dover alone, to seize that obstinate, discourteous gentleman by his ears and return him here against his own inclinations, then I shall do so. You are well aware of my capacity for such endeavours."

Her sister responded with a disdainful scoff, gently withdrawing her hand from Mina's grasp. "Indeed, I cannot deny your talent for creating spectacles of the highest order," she retorted, her steps carrying her across the room once more, "you wouldn't care to make yourself a fool in front of the whole country."

Mina suppressed the urge to roll her eyes, realizing that perhaps her sister's perspective held some merit. It seemed that, in this instance, their source of solace could only be found in one man—the very one who currently resided in Dover, likely taking pleasure in the complexity of their lives, and revelling in the knowledge that they were at his mercy.

He must be quite advanced in years, Mina mused, her thoughts drifting as she contemplated the absent gentleman, for what young man, in possession of his faculties, would pass on the opportunity to acquaint himself with his female kin? Perhaps a married one might have such cause, but still... Any gentleman of fair disposition would, at the very least, extend us a cursory courtesy and offer some assistance in securing our future, wouldn't he? Or perchance my notions are excessively romantic.

Evie approached the window, gazing out at the grand entrance road with a faint hope of a carriage arriving to alter their fortunes. However, no such salvation appeared on the horizon. They remained the sole mistresses of their isolated realm, facing its myriad challenges and intrigues.

Wearily, Evie dabbed her reddened eyes with the back of her hand before turning to Mina, who had settled back into her chair. In a hushed tone, she offered a glimmer of hope. "I pray that you shall bid farewell to those sombre black gowns come the morrow, dear sister."

A Bet On Hearts [Regency England Romcom]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora