Chapter 18: Duke's Retreat And Treats

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October 1811

As the trio entered the grand ballroom, Mina's breath caught in her throat. Countless pairs of eyes scrutinized her from head to toe, causing her to feel exposed and vulnerable, as if she stood before them entirely unclothed, awaiting judgment. Yet, a reassuring glance from her friend Eleanor, who smiled warmly and waved in her direction, helped Mina regain her composure, and a faint smile graced her lips.

"Don't let it go to your head. Eleanor's waving at me," came a teasing remark from Roy, delivered with characteristic audacity. Mina resisted the urge to roll her eyes at his impudence.

"Very well, if you do not depart this gathering betrothed to Eleanor, I shall consider it a grave disappointment and a failure of mine," she countered, prompting a chuckle from him in response.

They couldn't continue their hushed conversation as the host, Lord Eldridge, lifted his glass, calling for the attention of all present.

"My esteemed guests," Ciarán began with a genial smile, "I am deeply honoured to welcome both familiar faces and those new to our gathering." He cast a brief glance toward Lady Langdon, who felt a flutter in her chest.

Goodness gracious, she mused, it was but a passing glance! I mustn't allow myself to be so easily swayed!

"May this respite from the usual whirl of our lives prove most fortuitous," Ciarán continued, "and who knows... perhaps we shall witness the birth of new alliances amid the relaxed atmosphere of this gathering. Let us raise our glasses in homage to genuine affection—though scarce it may be in our time, let us not cease our pursuit of it while we have breath in our bodies. To love!"

After the guests and the host himself had taken a sip, Eldridge began to elucidate the schedule he had arranged for the first few days. However, Mina found it challenging to concentrate on his words as she caught a whisper nearby:

"One wonders how you'll seize this grand opportunity to captivate your dear Earl," Roy teased her mischievously, "a fortnight is indeed a generous span for you to enjoy a few too many libations and employ your feminine wiles to win his heart and hand in marriage."

Mina's brow furrowed as she stole a glance at him, though Roy remained fixed on Lord Eldridge. "And pray tell, what prompts this jest? Could it be jealousy over my regard for him?"

"Oh, please, you hold no genuine regard for that man," he retorted with a dismissive wave of his hand.

His words certainly piqued her indignation as she searched for Earl Westhaven amidst the gathering. Victor was indeed present, attentively listening to Eldridge's discourse.

"Oh, because you harbour only the deepest sentiments for Eleanor," Mina countered.

Roy's eyebrows raised in amusement as he remarked, "But isn't it a matter of time, dear Miss Haswell? Surely, there are budding affections, and a fortnight would only serve to nurture them further, would it not? Or what do your romantic tomes have to say on the matter?"

"They say you're an insufferable arse, Lord Langdon," she retorted sharply, to which he chuckled lightly.

Polly couldn't help but overhear the subdued murmurs around her, but her mind was consumed by thoughts about Lord Eldridge. She hung on to every word he spoke, trying to discern what exactly captivated her. Was it his bold eloquence, the intensity of his gaze, or perhaps the intriguing contrast he presented compared to the familiar company she was accustomed to?

Later, as Mina lay in her designated bedchamber, she sighed softly.

She had no designs or intentions to allure—or engage in any such pursuits with—Lord Westhaven. None whatsoever.

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