Chapter 19: A Game Of Seduction

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October 1811

As the Duke of Eldridge concluded his remarks regarding the evening's itinerary, he couldn't help but notice Lady Polly's unwavering gaze fixed upon him. With a subtle smile playing upon his lips, he returned her stare with a knowing glint in his eyes. Lady Langdon, in turn, lowered her gaze and excused herself to Mina and Roy, and drifted towards a cluster of her acquaintances, all the while stealing discreet glances in the direction of the Duke, curious to see if he would indulge in this innocent game that, while perhaps more suited to the younger set, possessed a certain allure of playfulness for her.

As the gathering gradually dispersed to retire in its chambers briefly before the first activity, Lady Langdon found herself alone, only to be greeted by a voice from behind her.

"Lady Langdon, it is indeed a pleasure to be in your company once more, albeit after such a brief interlude."

Polly turned to meet Ciarán's gaze, her lips curving into a playful smile. "It seems like only yesterday we were introduced, Lord McIntyre. Did you find yourself missing my company so soon?"

The duke's lips twitched into a smirk, catching the teasing note in her voice. "Indeed, for your presence is as refreshing as a breeze on a stifling summer's day."

Polly chuckled softly, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Such flattery! I wonder what the other ladies would say if they overheard such bold compliments from you."

Ciarán's smirk widened, and a glint of mischief appeared in his eyes. "Ah, but my dear Lady Langdon, it is but the beginning of our acquaintance, and already you show signs of possessiveness. Had I known you desired my attention so keenly, I might have been even bolder in my admiration."

Polly chuckled softly, her delicate fingers lifting the crystal glass to her lips. "You speak with the audacity of a true libertine, Eldridge."

Lord McIntyre's lips curled into a knowing smile as he brought his own glass to his lips. "My libertine tendencies emerge only in the company of a true coquette," he quipped, his gaze lingering on Polly's features. "Would you care to accompany me on a moonlit stroll tonight?"

A shiver of apprehension ran down Polly's spine, momentarily stiffening her smile. "That proposal is bold, sir, and quite impro—"

"I never took you for a conventional nor stuck-up lady, my dear," Ciarán interjected, a mischievous gleam dancing in his eyes. "It appears to me we are kindred spirits indeed, eager to trade quips and flirtations, and your cleverness leaves me quite disarmed, I must say."

Polly's expression hardened, her gaze sharpening. With a slight tilt of her head, she replied, "Your disregard for propriety does not escape notice, sir. Let us not stray beyond the bounds of decorum. We should adhere to our designated places, though I acknowledge your compliment."

"My place is wherever proximity to you permits," he retorted, a smile lingering on his lips. "Do you truly believe anyone is interested in our comings or goings? Allow me to divulge a secret to you – we're but old relics among the ton. Our prime years are behind us, and I'm certain nobody would cry out 'scandal' seeing us together on an innocent stroll, day or night. The choice, madam, lies with you – nine o'clock at the entrance."

With those words, he executed a graceful bow and departed, leaving her momentarily speechless. Polly, with brisk determination, approached Mina and Roy, who appeared to be engaged in yet another silent competition of wills.

"Have you concluded your discourse at last? Then let us proceed to inspect our designated chambers," she declared, leading the way with an air of stern authority, the two companions exchanging brief glances at her sudden seriousness.

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