Chapter 15: Lurking Revelations

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September 1811

Mina studied Roy with a keen gaze, her eyes wide open, anticipating the conclusion of his interrupted sentence. The young lord, however, held his silence, his facial muscles tensing with uncertainty.

"What were you on the verge of saying, Lord Langdon?" she inquired, lips pursed in a mixture of curiosity and indignation.

"Nothing of consequence," Roy retorted, attempting to make a hasty exit from the library. Yet, just as he turned on his heel, a firm grip on his arm brought his steps to an abrupt halt.

Turning back, he was met with Mina's fiery gaze, one that could set entire meadows ablaze with its intensity.

"Seemed to me that you were on the verge of revealing some secret about my dear papa. Pray, what is it? What is it, that you are withholding?" Mina persisted, her tone stern.

Royston deftly withdrew his arm from her determined grip, countering, "Cease your inquiries into matters you'd rather remain blissfully ignorant of!"

Her countenance darkened, and a pronounced frown etched across her face. "I shall do no such thing! By the saints and sinners, I, Mina Haswell, solemnly declare my right to ask whatever the devil I please."

This declaration only served to intensify his reluctance.

"Very well! Proceed with your revelations and handle the repercussions on your own. Count me out of this tumult. As for your probing questions – I am withholding all answers – not disclosing a thing today, not tomorrow, and certainly not in the future."

With that, Royston briskly departed the library, leaving behind a seething Mina. His departure left her utterly perplexed. The man had dared to confess his desires, dared to touch her lips... and even dared to venture to more scandalous territories by cupping her tit! All of these antics now seemed like child's play in comparison to the suspicion nagging at her soul.

He harboured a secret, a secret seemingly so grave that he was unwilling to disclose it to her.

And she was well aware that she couldn't rest until he spilt the proverbial beans.

And what if, she pondered, not only his lordship but his dear mother as well, is privy to that peculiar information? Indeed, it was quite convenient for him to inherit the title and wealth, despite his initial reluctance to even acknowledge his newfound status. Yet, what was the true connection between her parents and this Langdon family? What could they possibly share beyond mere kinship?

Polly did mention that their families were once intertwined, alluding to a possible disagreement that drove them apart, perhaps for good. Mina couldn't recall them from her past, and her father had never breathed a word about their existence in her or Evie's presence. Now, she found herself entangled with them, perhaps even unwittingly manipulated, all while knowing nought beyond the fact that Royston's father was a doctor and, after his passing, his son became obstinate in shunning vulnerability.

Mina cast a fleeting gaze at the crowded bookshelf, heavy with volumes, and let out a sigh. Perhaps it was time to divert her attention away from the pages of books and Lord Langdon's mischief, and instead, turn her inquiries towards her newfound extended family. Yet, just to ensure she hadn't succumbed to any form of madness, she also intended to share her revelations and ideas with Evie. The perfect opportunity arose as Mina, accompanied by Polly and Roy, graced yet another gathering.

"It truly is strange," remarked Evie once Mina concluded her veiled discussion behind a fan.

Mina sighed with relief, reassured that her sister shared the same sentiments.

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