Chapter 3: A Visit Most Inconvenient

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A/N: I dedicate this chapter to my dear friend zeen2805 whose Inconvenient book series inspired the title of this chapter. May the quill in your hand create more stories we love to read so much!

 May the quill in your hand create more stories we love to read so much!

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April 1811

April has always proven to be a month of unpredictable weather, as if the heavens themselves were toying with mortals. While the first half of the month passed uneventfully, save for Evie's joyous wedding, the latter part ushered in unforeseen challenges for Mina.

It took her the better part of two days to compose a response to Mr. Langdon. She had hoped the extra time would allow her to temper the hostility that seemed to seep from every fibre of her being straight onto the paper. Alas, it proved futile. A growing pile of crumpled pages bore witness to her mounting frustration. It was a most vexing predicament, for she had never before struggled so to compose a simple letter. Responding to such an impertinent old bounder should not have been so arduous a task! Yet, an unsettling feeling gnawed at her, much like his words had lingered in her thoughts.

In the end, Mina resolved to send the following reply:

My Dearest Mr. Langdon,

I shall remain eternally beholden to you for the expeditious resolution of the dowry affair, ensuring the perpetual bliss of the newly joined hearts. Your benevolence in orchestrating the intricacies with my family's solicitor has not gone unnoticed, though I must humbly request that you entertain a touch more cooperation in future dealings. Regrettably, I am not in possession of a crystal ball to foretell your desires. If my judgment was clouded on that occasion, it was by my concern for my sister's future—or the faint suspicion that you might contest the dowry for some malignant cause.

To this point, her demeanour has been rather reserved, with just a dash of sauciness, if one were to be charitable.

I must confess, your amusement warms my heart in a most delightful manner. Yet, I must assure you that such mirthful occasions shall remain as rare as a comet's passing, for my composure is, and shall forever be, as unyielding as an oak.

It was never my intent to provide you with a charming spectacle, as your words imply, nor to offer a diverting source of entertainment. However, I confess that profound sorrow has been known to lead one down unexpected linguistic paths. I also hold no grudge, I assure you, for your characterization of me as a reclusive old bat. I can only imagine how a sudden fortune would throw you into a pit of malice now that significant number of people are at your mercy.

Pray, Mina allowed to fashion that paragraph into a lash of biting wit!

Regarding the weather, the heavens have favoured Southampton with sun-kissed skies, bestowing upon me the opportunity to indulge in my customary leisurely strolls through the vicinity. It appears that several neighbours have taken it upon themselves to extend their kind invitations, insisting upon my esteemed presence. Therefore, I must extend my deepest gratitude to your dear mother for the cordial invitation. Alas, I find myself immersed in a flurry of engagements, leaving me with scarcely a moment to spare. Furthermore, the contemplative clouds that linger within the recesses of my mind currently deter me from embarking on any expeditions to Dover in pursuit of a suitable match.

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