Chapter 13: The Socially Incapable Duo

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August 1811

Given how much Polly revelled in the company of the local gentry, it didn't take long for the invitations to begin adorning the Sinclair's abode. Mina was indeed taken aback by the celerity with which Lady Langdon, so evidently committed to weaving a tapestry of connections around the untamed Viscount, orchestrated the affair as if he were not destined to depart Southampton one day.

On the other hand, considering he was to spend a year in this place, it seemed prudent to establish some connections, even if they were to remain shallow and fleeting to superficial acquaintances. Yet, Mina, with her keen perception, understood the profound desire hidden behind her unlikely friend's intentions. The motive, as plain as day in consideration by a caring mother, revolved around the idea of securing wedded bliss for her son. Placing Royston and Mina in proximity to potential matches became a top priority for her, and whenever the opportunity arose for her to showcase her piano-playing talents, it only cast a more favourable and advantageous light upon the family. As for the wager, she didn't take it seriously, as she had already made her thoughts known to Mina:

"It is indeed quite scandalous and a frivolity more suited to younger hearts, not those on the cusp of their thirties. Pray tell, why did you agree to it, Mina? You are as perfect as the Almighty intended, and you certainly have no need for my son's assistance in matters of matrimony."

Mina responded with a modicum of courtesy, for she, too, found herself pondering why in the world she had consented. It was a conundrum even to her. Perhaps it was her unyielding determination to succeed, to wipe that smug grin from Roy's visage. Moreover, the situation appeared advantageous from all angles, whether it resulted in winning a dashing husband in Earl Westhaven or reaping threefold the inheritance sum—both prospects held an equal allure.

On another sweltering day, Polly ventured into her son's study, fortunate to find the two trade masters responsible for the renovations already making their exit.

"Mother," Royston greeted her with a satisfied smile and a nod as she settled into the seat before him.

"Son," she replied with a hint of sarcasm, and Roy was quick to discern that his mother had a barb waiting behind her back, though his smile remained. "Why is it, my dear, that after you spend time with Mina, your subsequent interactions seem to be so... restrained and diffident?"

Royston chuckled and responded with swiftness, "You are reading too much into it, my dear mother. Miss Haswell is merely lost in thought about her admirer, while I have the considerable task of overseeing the renovation. Have you forgotten that we are soon to commence work on this dismal abode?"

Polly raised an inquisitive brow. "You needn't fib to me, Roy. It's as plain as day that Lord Westhaven is no suitor to Mina, just as your concerns extend beyond the mere state of this household."

Roy scoffed and tilted his head in disagreement. "She chose him just as I chose Miss Whitcombe for myself. And, indeed, besides courting Miss Whitcombe I am quite interested in setting this household to rights."

Lady Langdon crossed her arms and expressed her exasperation, saying, "Goodness gracious, Roy, this is even worse – you're not being truthful with yourself."

She noticed a slight darkening of her son's blue eyes.

"Mother, is that all you wished to inquire about?" He asked her with a hint of impatience. It wasn't the first time she had raised such questions, and it was beginning to wear on his nerves.

He diligently mended the fractures etched into his façade, beneath which a genuine gentleman lay concealed. Pray, who was his mother to attempt to unravel them?!

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