Chapter 26: A Secret That Divides Us

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November 1811

The atmosphere inside the carriage grew so tense and stifling that Mina felt as though the very air might crackle and shatter the carriage roof above them. Polly cast sharp glances between Roy and Mina, her lips pressed tightly together in contemplation of the stern rebuke she was undoubtedly preparing to deliver for their indiscretions.

Amidst the silence, the only audible sound was the relentless turning of the carriage wheels, meeting the frozen ground with merciless determination as they propelled their passengers toward an uncertain fate.

"My dearest son, you uttered those words with such unwavering resolve that I am convinced it wasn't solely your lips that met with fervour," Polly remarked finally, her tone tinged with playful teasing. "There is no necessity to disclose the particulars. I am no fresh debutante, and if my recollection serves me correctly, have not been for decades. Nevertheless, I would prefer to defer any further conversation until we are within the confines of our residence."

Royston's brow furrowed in consternation as he braced himself for a more severe reprimand, yet to his astonishment, his mother's reaction was unexpectedly subdued. Could it be possible that she, heaven forbid, condoned his and Mina's intimate dalliance?! Roy stole a fleeting glance at Mina, once a distant relative and now a burgeoning paramour, only to find a mirrored perplexity etched upon her countenance. Her lips parted slightly as if she debated whether to offer a defence or remain silent.

As Lady Langdon quietly delighted in the prospect of such an outcome, her mind danced with visions of her and Ciarán spending Christmas together in Dublin. But, of course, only after those two miscreants had exchanged their matrimonial vows. If she had to beseech a clergyman to expedite their union within a week, she would gladly do so, if only to finally breathe a sigh of relief—a most profound one, indeed.

Little did she realise that the struggle was far from over, for stubbornness would once again reign supreme.

It was during breakfast the morning after their arrival at the viscount's estate when Polly broached the subject of the young couple's indiscretion.

"Now that certain lines have been crossed, you must surely be aware of the consequences that shall follow," Polly stated, her tone tinged with strictness.

"And what consequences might those be, pray tell?" inquired Mina innocently. "I confess, dear Polly, I am at a loss as to which crossed lines you speak of."

Lady Langdon's brow furrowed as she regarded Mina's feigned surprise, sensing the growing defiance beneath the young woman's words.

Roy was well aware that the next course of action would likely involve Mina's spirited refusal, possibly followed by a heated argument. He knew his mother well enough to anticipate her insistence on upholding decorum at any cost – and Polly adding more coal into Mina's fire could mean only the impending calamity.


"It does not bode well for your reputation, dear Mina, to feign ignorance—" Polly interjected before he could finish, her tone firm, yet halted by Mina's.

"And who is privy to such matters aside from the three of us?" she exclaimed, the fire of indignation already blazing in her brown eyes. "I am not some naive girl to be coerced into a marriage based on unfounded presumptions. Moreover, I assure you, I am as virtuous as the crystal goblets from which we drink this morning. Therefore, there is no necessity for any union."

With those impassioned words, she swiftly exited the dining room, her skirts swishing behind her. Polly watched her departure, her expression stern, before turning her disapproving gaze to her son.

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