Chapter 27: His Love Thwarted, Stomped Upon And Thrown Away

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November 1811 - December 1811

The first three days with so many newcomers passed swiftly, akin to a pigeon soaring over the vast fields surrounding Southampton. Thankfully, the main orchestrator of conversations was the ever-vivacious Eleanor, whose steadfast demeanour and eloquence deftly averted numerous potential embarrassments that loomed over both Mina and Roy.

Especially Mina had a tendency to drift into her own thoughts, often losing track of the conversation unfolding around her. Royston would often endeavour to catch her eye, and upon noticing her distant demeanour, his gaze would darken with a hint of concern. His previous inclination to ruthlessly tease her at every opportunity waned, for whenever he found himself gazing at her for an extended period, a vision of her contented sighs in response to his pleasure bestowed upon her form would haunt his conscience, despite his earnest efforts to resist such temptation.

Yet Roy longed for their intimacy. And rued his pledge. Also cursed himself for harbouring a great apprehension that they might never be united, whether the secret was revealed or not, for he certainly couldn't foresee the future.

Little did he know that Mina, too, dared to reminisce about their tender embraces. Her hand tracing his hair, twirling a golden strand around her finger. The sensation of his lips touching her neck, making her form shiver with anticipation.

What a gifted tongue you possess.

But let us not overlook the skill of my nimble fingers, my dear.

"I daresay Miss Haswell has much on her mind," a male voice interjected, drawing her attention back to the present moment unfolding in a drawing room. She noticed Eleanor's disapproving frown and the amused expressions of the gentlemen. Only Roy appeared unperturbed, seated in a lofty chair, his chin resting on his hand, an air of contemplation about him as if lost in thought in a similar manner.

Mina hesitated before excusing herself, her voice soft and apologetic. "My sincerest apologies, but I fear today is not a suitable occasion for me to partake in social engagements. I find myself feeling unwell, and I believe it best to retire until the morrow."

She indeed felt increasingly unwell, not from any physical ailment, but from the strain of maintaining appearances. The necessity to wear a smile when she wished to display a stern composure, to feign amusement when her heart felt indifferent, and to endure the presence of others when all she desired was solitude, weighed heavily upon her. The company seemed understanding of her departure, yet she couldn't help but notice Eleanor's subtle inquiry with raised eyebrows and feel the weight of Roy's gaze as it lingered upon her until she vanished from his view.

In the corridor, she encountered Polly.

"Lady Langdon," she addressed her with a demure nod, her gaze fixed upon the floor.

Their interactions had turned icy since Polly's insistence on marrying her son, and they had remained chilly ever since, with the presence of Roy's friends providing no opportunity for reconciliation or further discussion.

"Mina," Polly said, reaching out to gently grasp her elbow, halting her progress. "Everything I have done, and continue to do, is with the best interests of both you and Roy in mind. In truth, I was heartened to hear that you and Roy had found common ground. Please, do not reproach him for his loyalty to me."

"You must realize, if he were to genuinely contemplate marriage with me, his allegiance would inevitably shift in my favour, would it not? How can I even consider joining your family when there are secrets being withheld from me? How does such concealment justify a moment of peace?"

With those words, she delicately disentangled herself and resumed her stroll, leaving Polly standing alone in the corridor. Lady Langdon sighed heavily, acknowledging the validity of Mina's concerns. The young woman sought to safeguard her heart and dignity, a sentiment which, from a certain standpoint, was indeed commendable.

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