Chapter 30: World's Greatest Fool For Love (part 1)

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March 1812

The week of waiting for the pier to be repaired stretched on endlessly, bringing with it considerable expense to accommodate their needs at the inn, along with those of their servants. Throughout this time, Mina found no respite, feeling as though she were seated upon perpetual thorns. Her only solace from endless intrusive thoughts came in the form of spending time with her sister, whether it be strolling through the town or engaging in light conversation about inconsequential matters.

Mina endeavoured to be as quiet as possible to her expectant sister, Evie, her measured footsteps barely disturbing the tranquillity of their modest chamber. She was acutely aware that within nine months, Evie would experience a profound transformation.

"Pray tell, my dear sister, do you fancy your child to be a bonny lass or a fine lad?" Mina inquired gently, observing Evie as she diligently knitted yet another pair of socks for the little one. In her possession were now a dozen pairs, for she had not yet found the time to master the intricacies of knitting other garments for the babe.

Evie gently set aside her knitting on a table beside her chair and let out a soft sigh. "I suspect it shall be a girl, and I dare say Alistair would concur if only to preserve the tranquillity of my conscience," she remarked with a fleeting smile. "But truth be told, I harbour apprehensions about the impending childbirth. It seems to be a rather arduous affair, this business of ushering new life into the world."

Mina hurriedly approached Evie and gently clasped her hand. "Please, do not distress yourself. I shall be by your side when the time comes, ensuring you have only the finest midwife attending to you. And if it eases your mind, we shall summon a physician as well!"

At the mention of the physician, Mina couldn't help but recall her mother's writings and felt a shiver run down her spine. However, she maintained her composure and offered a reassuring smile to her sister.

At long last, with the confirmation of the pier's reconstruction and reopening, the sisters, accompanied by Evie's household staff, embarked on the journey by boat to Southampton. The voyage lasted just shy of six hours, and upon arrival at the harbour, Evie arranged for a carriage to transport her servants back to her estate. She then joined her elder sister in their shared quest to return to the ancestral home where they had spent their formative years.

Mina eagerly awaited the opportunity to step out of the carriage, her excitement nearly propelling her towards the entrance, decorum be damned. She counted each step towards the entrance, her anticipation palpable. When the majordomo opened the door, it momentarily rendered her speechless, but she quickly regained her composure.

"Please, announce my arrival to Lord Sinclair!" she requested; her speech rushed in accord with her inner tension.

The majordomo initially failed to catch her words, but upon her repetition, he shook his head gently. "My apologies, Miss Haswell, but neither Lord Sinclair nor Lady Langdon are currently in residence."

"Pray, where are they presently?" she inquired urgently, her eyes widening with astonishment.

"They departed for Dover nearly two months past, accompanied by Miss Whitcombe. It appears there is to be a wedding," the majordomo responded earnestly.

"A we-wedding?!" Mina echoed, feeling a sudden wave of dizziness. Her legs nearly faltered, and she leaned heavily against the doorframe.

"Is something the matter, Miss Haswell?" the majordomo inquired, now genuinely concerned for his former mistress's well-being.

Mina took a moment to compose herself by drawing several deep breaths before inquiring further, "Might I inquire as to the date and venue of the upcoming nuptials?"

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