Chapter 9: An Earl I Would Fall For

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June 1811

Life had surely settled into a slow meander among the residents of the still somewhat decimated abode in the following days. Mina partook in respites along with the Langdons, though the vexing nature of Lord Langdon somewhat ceased. To her surprise, he seemed to rather avoid her altogether. She spent the most time with Polly, chattering about various topics and visiting the neighbours with the aim of creating new bonds and shedding favourable light upon Sinclair, and they both always excused the young lord, for his arm was still encased in white cloth tied around his neck. 

The physician was bound to arrive any day now – to check on the injury and proceed with the next step in the convalescence. It was clear as day to Mina that to Royston, it seemed like an eternity. Even when he graced them with his rare presence, he was exceedingly formal with them both.

"Dearest Polly, I cannot help but wonder – what occupies the thoughts of the young lord these days? He appears rather distant of late. I implore you, have I inadvertently incurred his displeasure in some manner of which I remain unaware?" Mina inquired of Lady Langdon one afternoon as they found themselves confined indoors due to a summer tempest raging beyond the manor's windows.

Polly, with a subtle smile gracing her lips at the mild irony in Mina's tone, merely shrugged. "I must confess, my dear, I am equally in the dark. You may need to seek the lord of this estate for answers, for he shares as much with me as he does with you."

Mina let out a wistful sigh, her gaze returning to the novel before her. Yet, her thoughts couldn't help but stray back to Royston's enigmatic situation. His overbearing demeanour did not endear him to her, and of late, she had noticed a certain elusive air about him.

Often, she would pass through the corridor, glimpsing his imposing figure surveying the room or engrossed in what appeared to be a personal journal, perched on his nose were those scholarly spectacles. Mina hesitated to disturb his inspection, and he, it seemed, remained entirely unaware of her presence. It was only when the gentle swish of her skirts faded from the room that his eyes lifted as if tracing the spot where she had stood just moments before, his brows knit in thought.

Then one auspicious day, Mina summoned her courage and delicately cleared her throat as she poised herself at the threshold of the chamber, granting her an unobstructed view of the young lord. Royston, engrossed in perusing his journal behind an ornate writing desk, momentarily lifted his gaze to acknowledge her presence. His countenance bore the hallmark of indifference, though not a trace of emotion tinged his refined voice.

"Miss Haswell, is there a matter in which I can be of assistance to you?"

"Indeed, I do harbour an inquiry... or two, Lord Langdon."

As the dialogue commenced with an air of decorum, an observer might have wagered that their discourse would maintain such a lofty tone. However, beneath the surface, an aura of uncertainty loomed, casting a shadow over the stakes of this tête-à-tête.

Royston observed Mina with a measured gaze, then carefully placed his spectacles upon the nearby table and arose from the chair. A faint smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth.

"You may question me at your leisure, but might I propose a slight alteration? We shall conduct this in the following manner – you pose one inquiry, and then it becomes my turn to inquire of you. Do you find such an arrangement agreeable, Miss Haswell?"

Mina's brow furrowed, sensing a mischievous undertone in Royston's proposal, akin to falling into a cleverly set snare laid by none other than Colonel Refusal himself. Instinct urged her to flee, yet curiosity triumphed this time.

"Very well, I shall commence. What occupies your days, Lord Langdon, when you are diligently evading the company of your dear mother?"

And inwardly she added, And mine as well.

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