Chapter 6: The Devil's Charms

111 7 121

May 1811

When Mina entered the dining room, she swiftly discerned that she was not the inaugural guest to assemble for breakfast, as Lady Langdon had already taken her place at the table. The mother of Viscount Vexation exuded a certain radiance that morn, an effulgence mirrored by her smiling countenance – she appeared akin to an angel in the eyes of Mina.

Mina contemplated the stark disparity between mother and son. Lady Langdon exuded warmth and beckoning charm, in stark contrast to her cold and dissuasive offspring.

"Good morning, Lady Langdon," Mina greeted her as she assumed the head of the table, with Polly seated to her right. "I trust your slumber in the chambers was restful and pleasant."

Lady Langdon's delicate brows momentarily lifted, then gracefully descended as she observed Mina occupying her the spot reserved for her son.

"Good morning, Miss Haswell! Indeed, I enjoyed the most restful slumber since we commenced this voyage," Polly replied, her words laced with a touch of irony, "although one cannot help but notice that the arrangements for repose do leave something to be desired."

Mina, somewhat caught off guard by the playful nip in Lady Langdon's words, stammered, "I... I was not aware. Please accept my apologies, Lady Langdon!"

Apparently, the chain of catastrophe was destined to continue, at least until the Langdons took their leave – that much was becoming evident to Mina now. Polly also wished to address Mina's choice of seating, however, Mina, in her earnest attempt to dispel the oppressive silence, inquired:

"Will Lord Langdon be gracing us with his presence this morning?"

At the precise moment she uttered those words, the grand doors leading to the dining hall swung open, and Lord Royston entered. Yet, upon beholding Mina occupying the head of the table, his stride came to an abrupt halt.

"Good morrow, Lord Langdon," Mina greeted, her voice tinged with a touch of nervousness as the mere sight of him unsettled her.

"Good morrow, Miss Haswell," he replied, his lips curving into a wry smile, hands clasped behind his back. "It appears you decided to maintain your position as the mistress of this establishment."

It took but a fleeting moment for her to realize her oversight, enough to bring a flush of embarrassment to her cheeks. "My apologies," Mina murmured softly as she moved to the seat on Royston's left, avoiding any further direct gaze at his countenance.

She endeavoured to commence the day on a favourable note, sincerely so – but it appeared that making herself the subject of ridicule at every turn was her cross to bear. And it was certainly a weighty one! Would there ever arise a solitary day when she could abstain from uttering 'apologies' to any of the Langdons?!

"I've been contemplating, Miss Haswell, and I shall be exceedingly candid with you," Royston commenced once he had taken his seat, and the domestics proceeded to serve breakfast, "I had anticipated a rather grander abode for a Viscount's residence. This one possesses but a single upper floor and an attic. Given the intelligence that one wing lies abandoned due to cost-saving endeavours, and the lamentable episode concerning the aged and fragile roof, one cannot help but wonder – did financial difficulties beset your family?"

Mina only briefly regarded Royston's countenance before gently averting her gaze, as if she were carefully considering her response to his inquiry.

"Lord Langdon, there is a spacious garden situated at the rear of our abode. We have always favoured the outdoors, excepting perhaps the harshness of winters," Mina began to explain while suppressing the imminent temptation to adopt a condescending tone, "moreover, we were a modest-sized family with infrequent overnight guests. It was for these very reasons that my father chose to curtail expenditure on unnecessary maintenance. As to how he failed to observe the state of the roof, it remains a perplexing matter, though it can be attributed, in part, to his frequent travels."

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