Chapter 22: The Dawn Of Bullies

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October 1811

As the days slipped by, much to Mina's chagrin, she found herself unable to secure Royston's undivided attention for more than a fleeting moment or steal a private conversation with him. It gnawed at her, fuelling a growing certainty that the gentleman was deliberately avoiding her being aloof. Though she entertained the audacious idea of seeking him out in his designated chamber, a profound chill running down her spine swiftly quelled such notions, reminding her of the potential consequences... or his bold advances.

The last thing she desired was to depart this house party betrothed to a man who concealed far too many secrets from her.

Contrarywise, it appeared to her that she had become the subject of interest, or rather scorn, for Miss Lansing. Not only did the young lady cast narrow glances and pursed her lips whenever their eyes met, but she also made audible remarks when in close proximity.

"Miss Haswell, your gowns seem dreadfully outdated by at least a decade. Do you have any plans to rectify this?" Miss Lansing remarked with a condescending tone.

Mina had to take a deep breath to quell the urge to respond with a cutting remark. Instead, she replied, "While I may acquire new attire, Miss Lansing, grace is not a commodity one can simply purchase. It is to be pursued with steadfast determination. Hence, may you be blessed with an abundance of it, and may your determination never falter in its pursuit." With that, she attempted to extricate herself from Kate's presence, though the young lady persisted in casting shadows upon her day.

"You fancy yourself quite clever with your remarks, Miss Haswell, do you not?" Miss Lansing remarked, her tone dripping with mockery. "I couldn't help but overhear your exchange with Mr. Wainwright; how audacious of you! No wonder your betrothed met his early demise instead of suffering such a temper you seem to possess in abundance."

Mina halted in her step abruptly, turned to Kate, then briskly approached her adversary with a steely resolve, prompting her to take a few steps back. "Miss Lansing, I find it rather perplexing that you would presume to pass judgment on me, my life, my decisions, or any matter pertaining to my character without having formed a more intimate acquaintance with me. Should you persist in such unkind remarks regarding someone who was once very dear to me, I regret to inform you that I shall have no recourse but to bring your reprehensible behaviour to the attention of Lord Eldridge."

Kate scoffed dismissively as if Mina had uttered a distasteful jest. "You mean to tattle to the poor old duke? Pray, I had thought you possessed more fortitude, Miss Haswell. Alas, it appears you cannot abide a bit of banter."

Mina echoed her scoff, her tone cool and composed. "How unfortunate that your opinion carries no weight with me, Miss Lansing. Have you not considered Mr. Wainwright as a suitable match? Surely, you both would revel in mutual misery, sparing others from your unkindness. Personally, I would gladly pay for the privilege of avoiding your company!"

With those cutting words, she swept away, leaving Kate standing alone in the deserted corridor. Miss Lansing scowled deeply and, with a simmering countenance, swiftly pursued her intended diversions.

There was an evening engagement planned, featuring games of chance following the evening repast. Mina ventured to the grand ballroom, now transformed into a hub of gambling activity, in hopes of exchanging a few words with either Royston or Eleanor. The pair had become quite inseparable of late, sparking rumours of a budding courtship between them. While Mina sincerely wished her dear friend Eleanor happiness, she couldn't help but feel... twinges of jealousy.

Her patience, as always, was wearing thin, and the clandestine meeting with Royston now seemed to take shape in her mind without causing her cheeks to flush.

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