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Chapter eighty two

"Every step back, pulls me right back to you." 

The next morning, Athena woke up and when she did, she found herself in a college dorm room all by herself, although when she looked at all the pictures, she recognized Caroline and Elena, knowing that this was there dorm room, she stood up, looking at her outfit, she huffed, knowing she needed a change of clothes, she walked toward's the door to the room, she opened it and walked out.

Having walked all the way back to the Salvatore boarding house, Athena didn't even feel tired as she showered, and put jeans back on along with her combat boots, she had a long sleeve on as she threw on her jacket, and when she did, she felt something in the pocket of it, as she furrowed her brows, she pulled it out and when she did, she came across a cell phone and as she did, she opened and looked at her most recent calls, finding Stefan's name, she clicked on it and brought the phone to her ear, as she listened to it ring and ring, as someone soon answered but it wasn't Stefan "Stefan's phone." Qetsiyah said.

"Was my punch to the face not enough for you? Where's Stefan?" Athena asked her "he's here. Well, not here here. He hopped in the shower. Between us girls, he works up quite the sweat. But then again even if you weren't a twelve year old girl you probably still wouldn't know that seeing as you've always been the virtuous one. So I guess your punch to the face wasn't enough. May I leave him a message?" Qetsiyah asked her, as Athena hung up, she turned around, walking out of the room, she headed downstairs and walked down the hallway.

And as she did, she came across Elena who looked at her with with wide eyes "when did you get here?" she asked "I walked." Athena told her ever so casually "walked that's like.." Elena was saying "I need to you take me somewhere." Athena interrupted her "where?" Elena asked her "Qetsiyah's." Athena told her "no, I'm not taking you there!" Elena voiced "but Stefan's there! And I don't know where to go and I'm not gonna leave him there with her." Athena shared, crossing her arms "fine. I'll take you there but I'm coming with you and we're not telling Damon." Elena told her, turning around and walking out and as she did, Athena followed after her.

Having gone into the woods, Elena parked the car in front of a cabin and as she did, Athena didn't even wait for her as she got out of the passenger side "no.." Elena said, as she quickly got out and ran after her, making it to the front door, Athena banged on it as she crossed her arms, Elena stood close to her, as the door soon opened, revealing Qetsiyah "someone's persistent. Even the young version of you cares about him." Qetsiyah shared "where is he?" Athena asked her "come on in. Who am I to stand in the way of destiny?" Qetsiyah asked, as she opened the door further, Athena and Elena stepped inside.

And when they did, they saw Stefan walking out "Athena and Elena. You two shouldn't have walked through that door." he shared "no, no, the only reason she's here is because one I can't drive and two I didn't know where I was going." Athena shared "I also am here to make sure you don't die. But that doesn't matter." Elena mumbled, crossing her arms "and I know that I look like a twelve year old girl but you told me I was wise so I feel justified saying that sleeping with a women like here isn't gonna fix your problems!" Athena voiced, holding her arm out to Qetsiyah, Elena's eyes went wide "what?" she asked.

As Stefan furrowed his brows "who said I was sleeping with Tessa?" he asked, as Athena huffed, her and Elena turned around and looked at Qetsiyah "I am so bad with messages. Oh, look, Athena called. She's wondering why you're here. I may have embellished for effect." Qetsiyah shared "to make me into a jealous crazy person again." Athena said, throwing her arms out, Elena turned to her with furrowed brows "what do you mean again?" she asked "she punched me in the face last night for flirting with Stefan. Cause like I said, even without the memories she still cares about him." Qetsiyah shared.

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