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Chapter twenty six

"We need the moon stone." 

Sleeping in her bed, Athena had her hand under her pillow that was holding onto a knife, seeing as with everything going on, she no longer felt safe sleeping alone not even in her own home "Athena." Damon said, and as he did, Athena jumped awake pulling her knife out and aiming it at him, breathing heavy, Damon's eyes went wide, as he pushed the knife down, Athena looked behind him and at Stefan "what happened?" she asked them "we went to see Katherine." Damon told her "again? I thought you said she couldn't be trusted?" Athena asked Stefan "well we went for the moon stone and of course like I always thought she'd try to negotiate her escape and told us if we let her out, she'd give us the moon stone and disappear forever." Damon shared.

"Which is obviously a lie because why would she hand over the one thing that gives her leverage over all of us?" Athena asked "exactly." Damon told her "according to Rose's friend Slater there's. a way to destroy the spell that Klaus want's to break." Stefan shared "no spell, no doppelganger, slayer, sacrifice. Ergo, you and Elena live." Damon shared "and this stone's existed for what? A thousand years? I doubt throwing it on the ground or anything is gonna destroy it." Athena shared "and that's why we have to release it from the moon stone." Stefan shared, as Athena furrowed her brows "what does that even mean?" she asked.

"It's witch talk." Damon told her "Bonnie agreed to do anything she could to help us." Stefan shared "and did we plan on exactly how we're gonna get the moon stone from Katherine without any of us getting killed or stuck with her for eternity? Cause I've been thinking about it and I've got nothing that doesn't end up with something terribly awful happening.' Athena shared "well that is why we will pry if from her cold dead hand if we have to." Damon shared "Bonnie just has to find a way to release the seal long enough..for us to get in get the moon stone and get out in time for her to return it." Stefan shared.

"Oh, so you've all thought this through?" Athena asked them "yep. We're awesome." Damon told her "except.." Athena said, as Damon huffed "please tell me you're not gonna say, no, because Elena already did that and I thought you of all people would be on board." he shared "no..I was gonna say how do you expect to get it? It's not like she's gonna let you walk in there and take it. Plus, she's probably hidden it knowing that we all want it." Athena shared, as Damon furrowed his brows "didn't think of that." he told her, as Athena raised her brows.

Having gotten dressed and grabbing her bow an arrow, Athena headed with Stefan and Damon to their house meeting up with Jermey and Bonnie, as they stood in the parlor "I might be able to lower the tomb spell long enough for you to get in there and grab the moon stone from Katherine." Bonnie shared "how? It took both you and your grams last time. And look what happened to her." Jermey shared "I'm well aware of what happened. I've learned a few new things." Bonnie shared "Bonnie." Jermey told her "how will you get it?" Bonnie then asked them "she hasn't been feeding. She's weaker. We're not." Stefan shared, as Damon held his glass of blood up.

"You wouldn't be underestimating her, would you?" Bonnie asked "it's a plan. Is it perfect? Pfft. What plan is?" Damon asked her "let me do it. I've got my ring. I could get in, get out. No spells necessary." Jermey shared "gee, thanks, you sixteen year old child." Damon told him, as Jermey motioned to Athena "she's fifteen!" he voiced "yeah and can heal and knows how to kick vampire ass. Why are you even here?" Damon asked "well fighting here is only gonna make her angry whether she's weak or not." Athena shared "maybe I can help with that." Bonnie shared as she looked to Stefan and Damon "do you have anything that belongs to Katherine?" she asked, as Damon and Stefan looked to each other.

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