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Chapter one

"First day of freshman year."

It was the middle of the night and a couple was driving down a road and they were surrounded by fog "what's with all the fog?" the girl asked "it'll clear in a second." the guy told her, and when they cleared it, a man was standing in the road "watch out!" the girl screamed, as they hit him with the car, the tires screeched as the car spun out of control and soon stopped "are you okay?" the guy asked the girl "we just hit someone! Oh, my god!" the girl voiced "call for help." the guy told her, unbuckling his seatbelt and getting out of the car, he walked over to the man on the ground "please be alive!" he voiced, bending down to him, the guy on the road then sat up and bit into his neck with fangs.

Then the two disappeared as the girl got out of the car "there's no signal!" she voiced, shutting the car door "Darren!" she yelled, as neither him or the guy were in the road anymore "Darren?" she asked, as a thud could be heard, she spun around seeing Darrens dead body on the hood of the car with blood all over his neck as she screamed, and turned and ran, something flew over to her and grabbed her off the road.

Gasping awake, Athena Forbes sat up in her bed back home, breathing heavy, having never had a dream like that before, and it wasn't because she didn't watch scary movies or vampire flicks or even know about the lure behind it, but it was because this one felt real, as she turned looking at her clock on her bedside table it was the middle of the night still, as she huffed and fell back onto her bed, not knowing how she was gonna fall back to sleep after that.

And she didn't, where by three in the morning, she had gotten up and dressed in work out clothes and headed out for a run, where when she made it back home the sun was up as she walked in the door, she walked to the kitchen and on the counter was the newspaper and an apple waiting for her, as she grabbed the apple, she looked at the newspaper knowing her mother left it for her like always but when she looked at what was on the front page her eyes went wide, as the two teenagers she had watched die last night in her dream, were actually dead in real life, which meant what she saw was indeed real.

But before she could think too much on it, a towel was thrown at her head "ugh! Can you shower! If I'm being forced to drive you to school can you at least be timely?" her sister Caroline asked her, as Athena put the newspaper down, she took another bite of her apple and walked off to get ready for school, first day of freshman year, which meant hell for her junior of a sister seeing as she was no longer gonna be the only Forbes in high school anymore.

Having driven to school, Caroline parked and as she did, her and Athena got out of the car and as they did, Caroline smiled as she turned to her sister "no, no." she told her, taking her hair out of the ponytail, Athena furrowed her brows, her sister then took her book bag off of her and then unzipped her hoodie "no, no, I.." she voiced, as her sister stepped away from her and opened the car door, throwing the sweatshirt inside, as she then looked at her, Athena was now wearing a grey long sleeve shirt with jeans and brown boots with her hair now down and wavy around her "happy?" she asked her sister "yes! Because now you at least look semi like your related to me. But you know the rules if anyone asks.." Caroline trailed off.

As Athena raised her brows "I don't know you?" she asked, as Caroline smiled "exactly." she told her, turning around and walking off, Athena bent down and grabbed her book bag, walking off toward's the school as well, having headed inside, she had pulled her schedule out of her book bag and when she did, a post it note on it telling her to talk to the main office about it from her mother, cause when she looked at her schedule they gave her psychical education "no, no.." she said, as she lifted her head up and began walking down the hallway to the main office to get this sorted out before school started.

A Thousand Years, Stefan SalvatoreHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin