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Chapter thirty

"Turning me into a weapon."

The next morning, Stefan had woken up before Athena as he headed into his bathroom to call Elena "how was the slumber party?" he asked her "good. Heh. Much needed. When can you and I have one?" Elena asked him "mm, that can be arranged." Stefan shared "okay. Now. Today. Take me far, far away." Elena told him "even with everything that's going on?" Stefan asked her "because of everything that's going on." Elena told him "and you're sure this has nothing to do with dodging your father who just got into town?" Stefan asked her "uh, this has everything to do with that." Elena shared.

"Well, in that case, where would you like to go? And can we, um, I know you want it to be just us but I kind of think we should bring Athena." Stefan shared, as Elena sighed "how is she doing?" she asked him "um, she has a broken leg and Damon said it's gonna take a while for it to heal which means she'll be walking on crutches for who knows how long." Stefan shared "okay, well, we all can go to my family's lake house then. I'll go home pack and meet you two at my house?" Elena asked him "sounds like a plan." Stefan told her "I love you, Stefan." Elena told him "I love you, too." Stefan told her, hanging up, he walked out of the bedroom and as he did.

Athena was awake, looking at her white dress "when did I go to the hospital?" she asked "Damon took you after we saved you. You needed surgery." Stefan shared, as Athena looked up at him, remembering bits and pieces from last night, Damon walked into the room "speaking of taking care of you. No. No hospital staff tried to murder you. I made sure of that. And your now having to use these as your new found fashion accessory." he shared, handing her crutches out to her, Athena reached for them but as she did, Damon moved them away, Stefan sped over and ripped the crutches out of his hand.

Damon rolled his eyes "enjoy your road trip with tiny Tim." he shared, smirking as he walked out of the room, Athena furrowed her brows "road trip?" she asked him, as Stefan turned to her "yeah, um, Elena said she wanted to get away from here for a little while and I asked her if you could come and she said yes, so we're going to her family's lake house." he shared, and when he mentioned Elena's family lake house, Athena's eyes went wide "her lake house?" she asked "yeah. Something wrong?" Stefan asked her, as Athena shook her head "nope." she told him, taking her crutches from him.

Leaving his house, Stefan had drove her in his car back to her house, as he got out he opened the passenger side door for her, as Athena grabbed her crutches, she got out and began walking toward's her house, using the crutches to climb up the stairs, Stefan followed behind her, making sure she didn't fall, where as she made it to the front door, he opened it for her, as she walked inside, a memory came back to her.

It was a sunny day outside as a eight year old Caroline Forbes road her pink bike along the road having come from hanging out with Bonnie and Elena, the three had road bikes together all day, and as she made it to the front of her house, a six year old Athena was doing cartwheels on the front lawn, as she parked her bike "when's the circus coming to pick you up again?" Caroline asked her, as Athena chuckled "very funny. Your just jealous that you can't do this." she told her, turning away from her, she did a backflip, but as she did, she fell, and when she did, she scraped her knee on the side walk "mommy!" she cried out.

And as she did, Caroline watched her, as the sound of the front door opened, as their mom ran out "sweetheart, what happened?" she asked, crouching down to her, Athena was crying as she turned to her "she flipped herself over like the circus freak she is and fell." Caroline shared, and when she did "you fell?" their mom asked, looking at Athena's knee, she wiped the blood away and when she did, the wound was healed, as her eyes went wide realizing what this meant, as she then leaned down, kissing her boo boo.

A Thousand Years, Stefan SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now