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Chapter seventy nine

"This is a story about a girl, named Athena."

Stefan was still in the safe, drowning but as he was, unlike before, this time he had Athena, and when he did, he was choosing to remember the good moments and the one he chose was the most recent one.

As he was still in the Salvatore boarding house, the candles were all lit up in the room and rose petals were on the floor, as Stefan laid in bed with Athena, where she looked the exact same way as the last time he had seen her, as he ran his hand through her hair "this remind you of something?" Athena asked him "no." Stefan told her "I'm in your head so I know your lying." Athena told him "I don't wanna talk about that. You're not dead. I'm not dead. And when I get out of here, and I will, I'm gonna find you and your gonna be fine. We're both gonna be fine. So stop." Stefan shared, leaning over and kissing her.

"Stay in the good moments with me. This was the moment you told me you loved me again and where both you and I told each other that we can't live without each other and I proposed to you, and you said yes." he shared, kissing her again, as Athena smiled "a thousand times yes." she told him, kissing him, Stefan kissed her back, but when he did, Athena gasped, as Stefan brought his hand up, he had blood on it, as he looked down, she was dying on him all over again "no, no, no.." he said, over and over, as he brought his hand up to his mouth, biting into it so save her, but she wouldn't drink his blood "Athena! Athena, no, no!" he called out.

And it wasn't only in his mind but underwater as well "Athena! Athena!" he called out, groaning as his body began to intake more water, he soon passed out again.

But soon, an old man pulled him out a few miles away from the quarry, as the water began to drain itself out, Stefan was still passed out, as the sound of the safe being opened up again could be heard, he soon opened his eyes, although when he did, his rescuer was not Athena, nor Damon, nor even Elena, it was a complete stranger, where thanks to him starving, he felt fully justified doing what he did next "what the hell?" the man asked, as Stefan pulled him down toward's him, he began feeding on him, all the way until the man's head fell off, and as it did, Stefan climbed out of the safe, placed the man's head in the safe along with his body and shut it closed, as he turned walking off, having no idea where he was or where he was going.

Walking along the road, it was still dusk out, as Stefan walked toward's the bar in front of him, he headed inside of it, and as he did, the worker who was cleaning up turned and looked at him "hey man. Last call was four hours ago. If you want some coffee, I could put some on." the women shared, as Stefan stared at her, not saying anything, except for showing her his vampire face as he lunged at her and fed on her, the women screamed, as he pulled away "run. Run!" he voiced, letting go of her, the women ran off.

As he put his hands on the bar, he pushed off of it, as he turned around going to follow after her, but as he did, he looked up, seeing the sun was coming up, it began to fry his skin as he fell down to his knees, he brought his hand up and noticed his ring was gone, as he groaned, he soon passed out, and as he did, he missed a lady walking up to him and throwing a bag over him, as she carried him off.

Laying on a bed in a cabin, Stefan began to wake back up as he was tossing and turning, he soon opened his eyes, seeing a tan women with dark brown hair staring at him as he quickly sat up, growling, he started breathing heavy "I don't want to hurt you so get away from me, before I rip your throat out." he shared "hello to you, too." the women told him, as she held up a blood bag "I brought dinner." she told him, as Stefan reached over, taking it from her, he quickly began drinking it "a vampire doppelganger who's burdened by a conscience. Now I've seen everything." the women shared.

A Thousand Years, Stefan SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now