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Chapter four

"First founders party of the season."

Hearing a thud, Athena got up from her bed, and walked out of her room "Caroline?" she asked, walking down the hallway toward's her sister's room, the door was open, as she turned walking through the door, she didn't see her sister in bed "Caroline?" she asked, turning and looking to her sister's closet that was open, she walked further into the room, but as she did, she felt something wet on her feet and as she looked down, from the moonlight, she could tell that it was red, and there was a trail in front of her and as she followed it and turned looking to her left, Caroline's dead body lied on the floor in a pool of blood.

Making her gasp, she stumbled back as she covered her hand with her mouth "you know what's coming next." Damon said, as Athena turned around, not seeing him, she ran out of her room and down the hallway to the kitchen as she grabbed the land line, she began calling nine one one as she put the phone to her ear, all she heard was the busy signal, as she threw the phone to the floor, she ran to the front door, opening it, she ran outside and into the street, and as she did, Damon sped over to her and bit her in the neck, as she screamed.

Stefan then gasped, sitting up in bed "bad dream?" Damon asked him as he was sitting at the table in his room, Stefan grunted, catching his breath "do you know how easy it was to get into your head just now? You really need someone human blood. It might even the playing field. Football reference. Too soon?" Damon asked, as Stefan sped over to the desk in his room grabbing the letter opener, he turned and threw it at Damon, as Damon stood up, he pulled it out "alright, I deserve that. But I just wanted to let you know they caught the culprit. The animal responsible for coach Tanner and all those people." he shared.

"What are you talking about?" Stefan asked him "it was a mountain lion. A really big one. It attacked a hunter this morning. It's all over the news. Deadly beast captured. All's well in mystic falls." Damon shared "why would you cover your tracks?" Stefan asked him, as Damon smirked walking over to a window in his room "I decided to stay a while. And I'm just having way too much fun here with you and Elena." he shared, turning to him "can't touch her now." Stefan told him "well the vervain keeps me out of her head. Maybe that's not my target. Especially when you've already shown me time and time again, how protective you are of Athena. Cause believe it or not, Stefan, some girls don't need my persuasion. Some girls just can't resist my good looks, my style and my charm." Damon shared, walking over to him.

"And my unflinching ability to listen to Taylor Swift." he added on as he stabbed him in the chest, Stefan grunted, as he fell to his knees "this is John Varvatos, dude. Dick move." Damon told him as he walked out of his room, Stefan pulled the letter opener out of his chest, as he lifted up his shirt and looked at the wound healing.

At home, Athena was sitting in her mom's room eating her breakfast, as the tv was on showing her and Logan Fell "I can confirm that a twelve foot puma mountain lion attacked a hunter and was subsequently shot and killed. The hunter is in stable condition." she shared, as Athena huffed, smashing her spoon in her cereal "mountain lion my ass, nice cover story mom, are the woodland creatures gonna band together and kill us all?" she asked, no longer feeling hungry, as she turned, turning off the tv, as she stood up from her mom's bed and turned walking out of the room, heading down the stairs, she saw her sister dragging Damon off to her bedroom, and as she did, Athena saw Damon smirk at her as he walked past.

Having walked into the kitchen, Athena was dumping her leftover cereal into the garbage as she then turned putting her bowl in the sink, she let out a breath, but as she turned around, Damon was standing right there "what? You gonna kill me right here in the kitchen?" she asked, as Damon smirked "I think we got off on the wrong foot." he told her "wrong foot? You killed four people, you tried to kill me, twice and last night you threatened my life where exactly under any circumstances does that coincide friendship?" she asked, walking around him and down the hallway to her bedroom and when she got there, she shut the door behind her, locking it so he couldn't get in.

A Thousand Years, Stefan SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now