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Surya's POV

The whole ride to the mall was like hell, and I think I made it obvious as she never once turned her head towards me. After I reached the mall, I sat on the longue and started doing some preparations for my upcoming meetings. I didn't even take a glance towards her as She has to come to me at the end to pay the bill. This one time, I will spend the money on her because, If I refuse to do so, I don't know what I will face back at home. Next time, I need to be careful about her discrete moves and not fall into her schemes and plans.

It was just 30 mins that we entered the mall and I was shocked to see her coming back to the billing. That's when, She looked up and went back again into a.. a.. a shop. I immediately turned my head when she saw me. Boy, that was embarrassing!! She probably must have lost her way and came out. She is Ms.GD!! how come she will finish shopping so soon? It will take another 2 or more hours I think. I actually had a reason to choose this mall.. They will close at 9 PM and start rushing people out around 8:30 PM. This way I can reach home sooner. Who knows how long she will take to shop?

I was busy with my work, not noticing the many people gathered near the billing counter. As I cannot work in this situation, I went to my car to attend my meetings. Anyway she is going to to shop for another hour or so, I will be back by then. 

The meeting did not go well. The realtors joined very late and also very unprofessional. Their demand was way too high than the market price. Though our legal  team pointed out things, they were stubborn on the price. I got frustrated and asked my team to end the meeting immediately. If this was supposed to be mine, it will come to me anyway or the other. So, there is no point arguing with them. With that, I bid good bye to my team mates and got out of the car. It was just 1 hour since I came down, She must be shopping yet. So, I decided to go to the lounge and wait for Ms.GD there. I took the lift that was attached with the mall at the end of the parking lot. When I reached there,  I saw my old school friend who was waiting for the lift.

"Hey Surya!! How are you ra?"

"Hey Naveen!! I'm good. How are you doing? How is your family?"

"Every one's fine ra. Are you coming now? I think they are about to close the mall", he informed me.

"No, I came earlier. I came up to pick up my fam- someone" She's is not my family.

"Someone? Who?"

"One of my relatives.. very far relative.."

"Oh.. anyways, they are going to close soon. you better catch up with them." 

"yeah, Sure!! You reach home safely. Bye." With that he left for the parking lot.

It was around 8 Pm then and soon they will rush everyone out so, I decided to sit in the same place as I was sitting before and talk to bhai's people about Rajesh. I wasn't able to talk to him directly since the wedding. I think he is busy. I know Rajesh is 100% safe, because he is still maintaining the restaurant through Anitha by sending her detailed instructions. This boy, I don't know what got into him. It wasn't the first time he ran away like this. It was the 4th time. But all the other times, he came back in a week. This time I have a very bad feeling that he wouldn't come back..

As I was inquiring about Rajesh, A middle aged man came to me and said,

"Sir, We are going to close the Mall. Could you please leave?" 

"But, I am waiting for someone who is still inside.. I will leave once they are back"

"Could you please call them sir? It's already 8:30 and we are not supposed to have people after that.." He very politely asked me that I couldn't refuse him. So, I went inside the shops that were open to see if she is in any of them. 

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