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Third person's pov

After everyone left the room:

What will Surya do now.. how will he face the bride.. what will she think of him.. shamelessly taking his brother's place.. "How can I marry her? I have not even seen her before.. Would you think any girl will accept this? for the past few months you showed  her some other guy as her life partner and zoom!! we changed your life partner.. now you have to marry him.. and then she marries him. All this happen in movies and not in real life.. We have to give everyone their right to choose what they need.. we have no right to indulge in that.. I need to talk to the bride.. She must understand this and take the right step.." talked Surya to himself.

He still has a chance.. he thought of going and meeting the bride in person and explain his situation.. The elders may not understand him.. but she can right? So he hurriedly stood up and was about to leave.. but suddenly the door opened and Chandhu came rushing in..

"Annaya.. I heard that you accepted to marry Sowriya..", asked chandhu cheerfully.

Surya had his head low and just nodded his head.. He was so ashamed of what he has done.. He turned and started to leave.. he has to meet the bride as soon as possible and stop this wedding.

"Then you must hear me out first!!" said Chandu.

Surya turned and looked at him confused. "What should I have to hear now? I have heard a lot of things in the past few hours.. enough of it.. I must go now.. I have a really urgent work to complete.."

"I saw the bride and her sister at the fancy shop tonight, when we went to meet Sikindhar Bhai.." Chandhu blurted out.

Surya turned again and asked "What??.. what were they doing there at that time??"

"They came to buy some girly stuff.. but listen.. I accidentally overheard their conversation.. they were speaking about some letter that they gave to you this morning, which was to be given to the groom.. and the bride is waiting for his reply.. and I think, the reply decides whether or not this marriage happens.. ", Chandhu hid the truth that he already gave a fake reply in place of Rajesh.. but now that the groom is available.. he can read the letter and give his own reply..

Surya touched his back pocket, remembering Vish gave him a letter this morning..

"Annaya, Since you are the groom now.. you have to read it and give the reply to her annaya.. I think, it has reached the right hands.." saying that Chandhu left the room..

Surya hesitantly took the letter and opened it.


I know this is very awkward.. Especially when we haven't even spoken before.. but its really important. Its been three months since our wedding date was decided. But you never once contacted me.. Chandhu asked my mobile number and said that he would give it to you.. So you must have got my number months ago.. though you never called me or texted me.. I can understand that some people are shy and find it difficult to talk to strangers.. believe me, that's the reason I am writing this letter in old fashioned way. Because I am one of them too..

Anyways, I am here to know about your thoughts about this marriage. If you are not one of the them, whom I mentioned above.. then I must ask you, if you are really willing to marry me?? You can tell to me if you don't like me or you are being forced to marry me or anything like that. Though I am not so brave, I have the ability to talk to my parents about this and stop the wedding immediately. Don't get me wrong, but I just wanted to clear my doubts.. Both our lives will be spoiled if one of the two is not into this.. And if I mistook everything and you are actually ok with this marriage.. then, I have two conditions for you. If you are not ok with them.. then, I cannot marry you. The condition are:

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