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Surya's pov

It's been 3 months since I have been to India.. since I have met my family. Though I talk to them now and then, I always felt distant from them. Especially when everyone is celebrating Rajesh's wedding and busy with preparations. I wanted to be there and help them in all the preparations in person and take part in each and everything but I can't leave my responsibilities that I have here and I don't like others doing my job. This is a con of me.. I need full control of what's mine and I want it perfect. The one restaurant in India.. it's for Rajesh and my family. But the 2 in the US, it is under my control and I don't want anything to go wrong with it. So I need to stay here and overlook everything, Hence I can't go to India to take part in the wedding preparations. But no problem, now that I am returning to India, to attend my brother's wedding, I will do everything that I can.. It's is wedding house in India, there is no famine for work. I still can't believe that he is getting married.. He was very small when I first saw him..I saw him grow in front of my eyes and knew him in and out. But recently he has been distant from me and struggling with something.. I wish that his his wife would take the right place  at the right time in his life and help him overcome all his problems and I also wish that he opens up with her and be with her in her difficult times also. I want them both to be a perfectly happy couple. Anyways, I have to board my final flight to India and be there in next 7 hours. This time Rajesh isn't coming to pick me up as he is the groom but as usual Chandhu is coming, accompanied by Sai. I will go meet Rajesh at home,  though it will be very late in the evening, he will be waiting for me. Then it's said that the next day the bride's family will be there at the venue and we are about to receive them and make the required necessities. I am going to take full responsibility from the day I reach and do all the help that I can, which I have escaped for the past 3 months.

After my long journey I landed at Hyderabad and was welcomed by my two  lovely brothers. Both were as exited as I was . Though we are brothers , we are like friends, so we enjoyed the entire ride by exchanging all the funny stories on the way home. As we reached home I was once again welcomed with an arati and my whole family was awake waiting for me along with some of our close relatives. Yet again Rajesh is missing. I exchanged pleasantries with everyone and gave them the gifts I brought for them. I went to Rajesh's room to meet him but he was asleep when I saw him, so I decided to meet him first in the morning. I can talk to him on the way to the venue tomorrow. I went to my room, took a shower and had a quick trip to my mother's room, got her blessings and slumped on my bed to have a good night's sleep.

The next day..

I was woken up by my alarm, which was set with an extra hour with my usual as I was tired. I took a shower, wore casuals and went down to meet my family. On the way I remembered Rajesh and went to his room, I knocked on the door but it was locked from inside. Then he must be taking a bath, I will talk to him once he comes down. I went down and was mesmerized by the way our home was decorated. Completely traditional!!!. With all the flower garlands, the banana plants at every door with the bananas, the Rangolis by our great artists (the women in my family), the turmeric, the kumkum,the bright colours, the mini lights and the scent of all varieties of flowers, food, sweets and savories. This time even more varieties of food was made and I tasted them all. I had my delicious breakfast with the rest of my siblings and went to ask my father if he needs anything that I can do as I saw him in a hurry.

"The Bride's family will be reaching the station in an hour and this Rajesh has not even come down yet..  I also have to send someone to receive them at the railway station and take them to the venue", complained Gopinath.

"Calm down Nana, why are you so tensed? I will go bring Rajesh down, then go recieve the Bride's family at the station and take them to the venue.. Now be relaxed and wait.. I will get you a glass of water..", with that Surya went to fetch water. Gopinath stood there confused as Surya gave him a glass of water.

"Nana, I think all this preparations has taken a toll on you.. Sorry Nana, I was not here to help you from the beginning.. but now that I am here, I assure you that I will be very responsible from recieving the guests to saying bye bye to them.. ok? Relax now and smile.."

Gopinath smiled and said, "Surya, don't apologise.. I am actually very proud of you.. you are managing your responsibilities very perfectly and don't you think that you have not helped us with the preparations.. I know, the kids contacted you now and then for all the wedding arrangements as they usually do. I know you have managed everything from US, from booking the wedding hall for the Reception to the return gifts.. We elders have no part in the Reception responsibilities.. but you have managed it so well, that the kids made it all. They showed us the agenda and it was very good. So don't worry about not being a part of this wedding."

"I..I..didn't do anything Nana.. it was all the kids.. they did it all..." stammered Surya.

"You know you can't lie right.. Now stop trying and go bring that idiot out.. and about recieving the Bride's family at the station, I will send Sai to do have another job, We along with Rajesh have to go to the venue and get the rooms, before Sai come there with our guests." 

"Oh alright then Nana, I will go bring Rajesh down and we will go to the venue on time.", said Surya and went to fetch Rajesh.

The Fate Joined Us TogetherNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ