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Surya Narayana, 28 years old, almost 6.2. Owner of Radha Restaurants at USA. He is the eldest one in his family in his generation. He is a caring, obedient, strict, punctual, keeps his body fit and healthy. Has 2 branches of his restaurant in US. Self made CEO. He is the most eligible bachelor you can find, but still this man has a place in his heart that pricks whenever he thinks of his past life. His mother who left the world when he was just 2 and his first love, who he thinks has left him because of family restrictions.

Sury is a intelligent guy and respects everyone. After his mother's death, though his father doesn't want to remarry, due to his parents and for his siblings, he married again. Even though he married another woman, he was distant from her because of his son. But eventually he realised that she has nothing to do with these and he was simply punishing her in the name of his son. After 3 years they had a son and 2 years later a daughter. After them his other siblings (3 brothers and a sister) got married and had kids of their own. Everyone lived in the same house, the house gets renovated time to time to meet the needs and to satisfy everyone. They had farms and Every men from the family worked there with few other helpers. Now, their family is the largest and wealthiest in the village, still they were the kindest of all.

Being in such a big family, Surya was very happy that he is showered with love and affection and always surrounded by his younger siblings. He felt proud that their family is together whatever happens and also because he is the eldest in his generation. He wants to be as best as possible as his siblings would learn from him. He guides and supports everyone and be with them whenever needed. During summer holidays his aunt will come to their home with her kids and he would be ecstatic as the whole family is around him. Though they live in the village, He gets permission from the elders and takes his siblings to whatever classes they need to go, even if it's in the nearby town. Took care of them and made sure they are going in the right path. He was very responsible.

As days passed, everyone grew up and started going towards their career. He was always with them. He too passed out of school with bright colours and enrolled in a prestigious college in Hyderabad. But that's when he saw the true colours of his stepmother. She doesn't want him to go there. Not because of love but she said that she is not happy spending so much money for his studies but wanted to work in the farms like their parents. He was literally shocked by this and realised all she did these years were out of responsibility but not because she loved him. As he is grown up now, he started to understand her and wanted to leave before anyone noticed this. His father was on his side and sent him to college. Surya visited in weekends to meet his family and she showed her hate straight on his face. So he lessened his visits.. this is the time he fell in love with Shreya. They both felt that they were made for each other. He Spent the weekends with her going out and though he doesn't like some of her qualities, he adjusted to it. After their bachelor's, Shreya went to England to pursue her higher studies and Surya also wanted to pursue his higher education in a prestigious college out of the country, mainly because he wanted to stay way from the situation in his family. He got admission in a prestigious college in US and moved there. He was in contact with Shreya and everything was going good until Shreya was slowly ignoring his calls, spent less time talking to him and eventually stopped. He knows about her family as they were very strict and will not allow for love marriage. So he concluded that her family was the reason behind this.

He tried to move on but it was really hard. So he started to work out and vent his emotions. He was good in his studies too, got some friends and spent time with them. When he graduated, he got a desk job with a good pay in the placements. But he did not like that and wanted to start his own business. He wanted to start a restaurant and serve Indian dishes with the same taste. He opened a small cafe with his savings and served breakfasts and snacks with beverages. Slowly he developed his cafe and opened a restaurant and named it Radha Restaurants (his mother's name). As the food was very good and even non Indians liked it as they served dishes according to their taste, the business bloomed and he opened another one in a different location.

He also donates continuously to children's home.He is content with his life and whatever going on. He has dated few girls but nothing worked out. He visits his family every 3 months and was always in touch with his siblings. He also started to understand that his stepmother did not hate him because she did not like him but he was somehow became a reason for his father to be distant from her and her son. No one was at fault, everything is getting better now. When he grew old enough for getting married, his father and other elders in his family asked him to settle down. But he rejected everyone's request as he really did not want to get married. Mainly he did not want to get hurt again. A poor soul. His family understood him as he never rejected anything the elders said. So if he is doing this, then he definitely has something reasonable. So they just gave him some time and decided to get back to him after few years.

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