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Sowriya's pov

After that day, we got a call from the boy's maternal uncle saying that they are all happy with the alliance and would like to move forward. My parents also took some time and consulted with the elders and yes!! that's how my marriage with him was fixed. I sometimes hear my father or my mother speaking on the phone with the relatives about the alliance and even though I don't want to hear but my ears hear exactly what I wanted to know. I came to know that the boy is doing his own hotel business, their family is rich, they live in the village near Hyderabad and they are super good and kind. As I got enough information, I tried to focus on my work. But it's actually very difficult working from home, that too for an unmarried girl. She has to do her office work and when she gets breaks, she also have to do small house chores. Even though I don't do much house chores, at times when my mother asks me to do small things, I get way too much irritated and would start a fight for even very small things and that's because, I would have not got what I was expecting in my work. I have no other go but have to transform into a time bomb and who ever touches it, has to see its wrath. But after sometime, I would regret what I have done and do the chores with an extra one to please my mom. She too has faced enough in her life and I still think that she is not living the life that she wanted..

Thinking about all this, I started to chat with my only colleague who I talk freely to at work. We both joined the company at the same time and we both learn many things from each other. Though she is just an year elder than me, she is married and has a kid. She is one of my inspirations as she is the one who told me to take care of my parents when I actually got time for them. That's when I developed my idea of buying a house for them.

As usual we talked about work, learned few stuff, we shared the work to complete it soon and also made fun of our fellow colleagues. Not degrading them but just for fun.. because we both don't trust each other soo much. As the day came to an end, I told her about the alliance and said I was going to take a day leave the next week as the groom's family is coming to see me, so she has to mange stuff in my absence. That was a wrong move. I could have just said I was not feeling well. She started to shoot me with so many questions, which even I have not asked my parents yet. I just told her, he has a hotel and has a very big family. When I told her his name, she made fun of me calling me Seetha and also about their arrival, calling it Swayamvar and that he is going to break a bow to marry me. God!! Doesn't this women have to feed her kid? Doesn't she has to cook for her husband? With that I shooed her off saying bye bye.

Only after that, I realized that I was actually fond of Ramayana from my childhood. I watched all the episodes of the recent serial that pictures Ramayana in Seetha's pov, even though I had my board exams going on then. I actually loved the way their love was depicted in the serial. Understanding each other, loving each other in a way, no one ever could and mainly respecting each other and their families and I also cried secretly at almost all episodes. Though I was embarrassed when she made fun of me, I am really happy now relating my situation with Ramayana.

Right now we are cleaning the whole house as the groom with his family is coming to visit me. I participate only after the dusting is done as I am allergic to it. All I do is clean the cupboards, fridge, sweep, mop, keep everything in its own place and that's it all work is done. I was the one who did all these stuff when the same set up happened to my sister and now again I am doing this for my functions too(the misery life of second borns). This is one of my reasons to not come back to my home after my marriage. Not because I am doing all this cleaning work or house chores but because after I am gone it's just my mom who has to take care of this house and I don't want to tire her by my visits. I have seen her struggling, when my sister used to come after her marriage. She won't do anything, saying that she has come here to take rest but would shout at my mother when the food is not ready on time to be served for her husband. As it was my early stage in my career then, I was completely focused on finishing my assigned tasks on time, even though I didn't have most of the skills, I would learn it and complete them. After that I would just do the dishes and go to sleep. Seeing the way I'm struggling at my work, my mom doesn't bother me with any other house chores and do everything by herself. Witnessing all this, I determined to stay at my in-laws house and not come here unless it was a tradition or something serious. I have also said these things to my mother and she always denies the way I am looking at the situation. But have I ever had a second thought on my decisions? never!!!. In the next two days, our house was done and dusted.

I started to reduce the time I am spending on looking at my phone and also improved my sleeping habits. Usually, sleep consumes me around 2:30 am or something but now I am sleeping around 11:30 or 12. And as always I am waking up at 9:30 in the morning which helped me get enough sleep. Now a days, my mom got a new thing to wake me up.

"Wake up girl!! Do you think you can sleep like this after marriage too?? your athamma(MIL) will throw the broomstick on your face to go sweep the entrance. Have you even learned how to draw muggulu(Rangoli)?" Knowing exactly I have improved in that art.

"Ma!, are you sending me off to a place like that? even after you know that they would torture me??" I asked waking up suddenly, acting like I am horrified to hear it.

"Haan! Definitely! I will also ask her to make you do the cow dung balls!" I was actually horrified by this now. She continued "BTW, this is not called torture.. this is called house hold chores!"

"Both sound the same..."I muttered. And then she started her speech about how she used to tirelessly work when she was in her mother's house and also after her marriage and still working.. I sighed and got out of the bed to start my day.

Our days filled with talking to relatives, making the required necessaries as the groom's whole family is coming to see me. It is a huge family! think five children with their spouses and each had 2 kids and with their grand parents. My house would just over flood with this one family. I am not making fun but astonished to see that they all still live together and if I may say, I am happy that I am going to be a part of this family. It is said that after the opening of the hotel, they will pay the visit to our home.

Surya's pov

I was right! Rajesh is sad because of this alliance. Chandhu also informed that Rajesh was ok with the alliance and they are going to meet the girl after next week.That means the marriage is fixed. This was the surprise they had for me. They even convinced the elders to not inform me and keep it a secret so that they can see my reactions. But my father already told me about this and asked me whether Rajesh getting married before me is ok for me as I am the eldest. I politely informed him that Rajesh's wedding has nothing to do with my permission and I am really happy for him. I also said him that they don't have to worry about me as I took this decision all by myself and for a good reason. While speaking, Rajesh just woke up in the middle of the conversation and left for his room. Everyone thought that he is shy and made fun of him. But I noticed the sadness and... fear? in his face.I immediately excused myself and went to his room. He was casually painting the one he left before. I went and sat on the bed and asked him straight forwardly.

"Are you ok with this alliance Rajesh?" He looked at me and said

"Of course annaya! Why won't I be?" He acted enthusiastically.

"Don't try to hide from me Rajesh, I have known you for my entire life. Don't you not like the girl? You can tell the elders right away.. they are not going to bother you.."

"Aiyo annaya!! There is nothing to hide and I am not a person to judge someone for their looks.. I am really ok with this marriage and I'm just stressed because of the masterpiece I'm working on.. it is the second time I am making it as the first one got rejected and also the deadline is this weekend."

I think I totally misunderstood the situation. With that I did not speak of the marriage again as that would end up me making him end up like me. I also thought I might have been the reason for his stress as he have to look after the construction  of the restaurant and arrangements all by himself. This gave me an idea to appoint a PA for him, who is trust worthy to share his burden of looking after the restaurant, so that he can focus on his masterpieces to the fullest.

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