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Suryas' s pov

Oh boy! What happened to her? She did not just dragged me out with her. 

Oh, She is throwing up. She was good until now, right?? Oh boy, she is throwing up more. I think she got car sic-

"Surya! What are you looking at? Close her ears!! can't you see she's throwing up? " asked my father.


"What?" everyone asked at once with a "really" face.

"OK..", why me? can't Rukmani amma do that? or her brothers? God!! where are her ears now?

Before I could find that, she straightened up.

"I'm good, thanks", she said.

"I had a little headache, that's why.." she tried to explain everyone.

"No problem ma.. I know you woke up very early today and with all this clothes and jewels.. I know its difficult.", said Rukmani amma.

"Are you alright now ma? If you want, we can stop for sometime.. Do you need any medicine?" asked nana.

"Ah no no, I don't take any medicines.. and I'm alright now, we can get going.."

"You are always like this!! why don't you take some medicine? Did you tie your hair again when its still wet? You are not a child anymore papa" said Ravi

"You called me papa at the end.." she smiled.. Everyone laughed.. except me. Who in the right mind will tie their hair when its still wet? She got this on her all by herself.

After that everyone got on the car and resumed our journey. We agreed on opening the windows and reduced the volume so she can rest.. I have to be honest, Its horrible to have a headache when you have a long journey ahead of you.. we have to go to the temple, then to our home, then to the airport and finally we have to reach her house by the end of the day.. Really? who fixes all these things?

After an hour's journey, we reached the temple and got blessing from the God. I didn't know what to pray for.. I just let everything in their hands.. let them take this wherever they want. I will do what it feels right to me..

Soon we were back on the road to our home. This time everyone including the driver anna were tired. We just want to hit the beds and get a good night's sleep. By around 2 pm we reached our home. The moment I entered our home, I felt a wave of relief pass through me. I wanted to get out of these wedding clothes and get changed to something comfortable. So, I started to go towards my room but a stern voice stopped me.

It was my thathaiya. 

He is a retired School teacher. He raised all his sons and his daughter in a very strict parenting style. Everyone is well educated and had decent jobs. But after sometime, when thathaiya wanted to sell the farming lands as there is no one to look after, all his sons left their jobs and started farming. Even though my thathaiya is adamant on education, he is proud of his sons as they respect farming and had taken over the family's lands. If these lands had been sold to others, we didn't know what would have happened.. some would have turned to flats and others would try to see the maximum profit by adding chemicals to the soil. But now, we have organic food on our plates and we can still help others who are in need.

"Where do you think you are going? Can't you see us all waiting for you and also that you are dragging your wife with you?"

"No- , Sorry thathaiya. I was very tired and wanted to freshen up and take some rest before we travel again.. I haven't packe-"

"So is your wife. She looks exhausted than you. But, isn't she waiting for the elders to say something? You can leave the country for your career but never forget the culture. You get that?" he roared. It was pin drop silent at home. We all know he got a bad temper, we try to avoid doing things that angers him. But somehow, I became the lamb today..

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