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Third person pov

As Surya and Chandhu reached the bazar street, it was less crowded than usual as it's almost 9:30 in the evening. They went straight to Bhai's brother's shop and Chandu greeted his old friend. Then he explained the situation to him and they were waiting for Sikindhar Bhai. As soon as Bhai came.. he hugged Surya.

"Cheppu thamudu (tell me brother) what's the problem" interrogated Bhai.

While Surya was explaining the whole situation, Chandhu got a glimpse of the bride inside the shop. He panicked at first but managed to hide both him and his brother and slowly went near them as she, her sister and a middle aged woman was talking seriously.

"He will definitely give me a reply pinni(aunt)" said Sowriya.

"You should have gotten your reply by now akka.. but you haven't.. does that mean, he is not ok with the marriage?" Asked her sister.

A bomb blasted in Chandhu's heart hearing that.. and that's when he heard the sister calling him.

"Anna!! Here!! We are here.." she shouted. He kind of tripped and looked back to see if his brother heard her. Hopefully he hasn't. He turned back and  approched the sisters.

"Babu what are you doing here at this time??" Asked the aunt.

"I.. I.. what are you guys doing here.." he asked them back.

"We came here to buy bangles.." she replied.

"And.. we came to get reply from your brother.. did you come here to give reply for the letter that I gave to your other brother?" asked the sister.

"Other brother??"

"Yes!! The one who came with Sridhar Anna this morning. "

Chandhu realised that she is speaking about Surya annaya and was putting two and two together.

"Hello??.." she was waving her hand in front of him.

"Haan..yes! yes! I came here for that.." he replied

"Then break it already!!" Sequeled the sister.

All the while Sowriya was quiet and she became anxious suddenly as he was going to give the reply for her letter.

"He said.. he said that.. that.. the wedding will happen without any problem and asked you not to worry.." lied Chandhu.

"And?" Asked Sowriya

"And??" Asked Chandhu confused..

"Did he say ok or something like that??" Asked Sowriya

Chandhu heard ruffling from the outside of the shop. He has to leave immediately. So he started to turn back but the sister stopped him.

"Cheppi velandi Anna!! (Leave after saying the answer brother)"

"Ahn.. yes yes he said Ok for everything. Now I have to leave soon.. if you will excuse me" Chandhu said and left immediately.

Chandhu came out and Bhai was telling "You have helped so many young students from our area with their career.. won't I do this for you thamudu? Rajesh will be at your door step before you reach home thamudu. I will take care of everything."

"Thank you Annaya..Ple-"

Chandhu's phone disturbed the conversation. It was Gopinath asking if Rajesh was there with them and asked him to be home soon as he shouldn't be out for so long and also asked them to come straight to the venue as everyone reached there already. Chandhu lied and said that they are coming back.

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