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Surya's pov

My family returned home the next day and they were very tired of all the happenings of this week. Rajesh as usual went for work, I helped Venu Anna and Rani Akka in cooking as they have to cook for about 20 people. Usually our mothers share and cook and they never considered it as tiring as I think it is. I even asked them once about how come they never get tired of this continues work and they say that they share the work and they kind of got used to cooking many varieties in large amounts. I still see it as a very very difficult and tiring work. As days passed, it was time for me to get back to US. Vacation is over. I appointed a PA for Rajesh and I hope it lessened some of his work. It is said that, the bride's family will be visiting our house as a tradition in next few weeks and I will not be here at that time. The marriage is fixed after 3 months but the exact date is yet to be set. It would be perfect as I would be coming back at that same time. The whole family was happy until they realised it was time for me to go and sometimes I really hate myself for doing this to my family.

It was the day of me leaving and I had 2 big luggages almost filled with food. Rajesh dropped me off at the airport and waited till it was time to board. After long flights and travel I reached my apartment and just said to myself that it's not home. I took the day rest and continued my routine as usual from the next day. Life goes on...we just need to tread along.

Sowriya's pov

It was 1 month after their visit and my family went to meet them and returned back the next day leaving me at my sister's. They repeatedly said that groom's family is very big and their house is big enough to fit everyone. My thoughts were far away from family or being accepted as one of them because I was thinking, if they would allow me to work? Is there wifi connection there? Will my husband not accept my dream of buying a house?

Because see it was literally 1 month after I have given my number to the groom, and he still never called me or texted me. I really have a doubt that they are forcing him to marry me. If that was real, my life's doomed. I fear that I would become the typical house wife and just be at his side as his wife for my entire life. These thoughts are frightening me. I just hope, I won't end up making cow dung balls.

Apart from my fears, I see my family being set into wedding mode as they repainted our house, went for numerous shopping, visited the appliances shop for buying all the necessary house appliances for me. I don't know but they are actually enjoying this and I don't want to ruin it by my own thoughts. A day was fixed 3 months after for marriage and it would be happening in a temple of our family deity and the reception or the wedding party takes place 5 days after marriage in Chennai. So far I like the schedule. After fixing the date, the shopping was more. To the jewellery shop, to the textiles shop, to the printers for invitation and my parents went to all my relatives house in person to invite them. It was tiring and with my job, it was even more difficult for me to handle. Especially my relatives on phone who wanted to talk to me.

We went to shopping to buy my muhurtham saree as it's called but actually It will be worn on Reception.. The groom's parents also came for this. This was the only time I went for shopping and all the other things were bought by my mother. I was simply not interested in shopping and wasting money and the other reason is I would like everything in the shop.. they are beautiful in their own way and it will be very confusing for me to choose.

As days got nearer to the wedding, we were visiting temples, performed traditional rituals and thanked God for what ever is going on. As I said I was not interested in makeup , I cancelled on the wedding package the makeup artists were interested in. Instead I asked them to do my hair in a traditional but a beautiful way and asked for a little makeup as I would sweat a lot. They somehow agreed on with a little makeup and the hair do but still I felt the price was high.

Everything was going fine until  there was the real shock for all of us. My sister was pregnant again!!. Wow!. My parents were doubled with joy and were very happy about my marriage and her pregnancy. I wasn't feeling anything at that moment.. It was normal right? Well that allowed her to go back to her house and all the work is put on my head. But still I am happy for her.

This sudden surprise made some change of plans. My sister and her husband were to accompany me for my in-laws house on the day of wedding and bring me and my husband back home before the day ends. Tradition!!. The wedding location was nearer to the groom's house but far from our place, so plane tickets were booked for the four of us and for others by train. Now it's changed.. my two brothers are coming with me and my sister won't be in my wedding as it's too far for her to travel.

Days passed and I am with my family in a train to go get married. We decided to reach there a day before to make all arrangements and the groom's family is also coming there. An unknown fear crept into me as we were nearing the venue. My family will be leaving as soon as the marriage is done as they had to go home soon and I will be going to temple after my wedding then to my in-laws house to do some traditional rituals and then back to my home. This all in one day!!!. I'm sure I am going to mess this up. Along with this, the fear of seeing the groom for the first time was increasing. I hope I can do this. We will be reaching there early in the morning and the next day is my wedding. After that I am a married woman!! Oh God!

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