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Sowriya's pov

It was around 8:30 p.m. when we came out of the airport. He booked an auto, and we went to Radha restaurants to eat. I know this is his restaurant, and the moment we entered, every staff member greeted him and me. I greeted them back; it felt different as everyone greeted me because nobody does that usually. The sound at the restaurant was very busy, as if it were peak hour. But, since it was a very spacious restaurant, it looked empty. He went straight into a room that looked like his office. There he had a small diner at the corner with one chair, and he went and sat on that. Where will I sit, you thick head? The second condition I put on my letter often flashes in front of me to mock me. A person who followed us, who looked like a manager, pulled out a chair for me and placed it on the right side of him. I thanked him and sat down.

As he was explaining why we ended up here, I was once again scanning the interior design of the office. Not to brag, but who ever did this has a really good taste in art. There were only two portraits in this room, and somehow it felt like they were made exactly for this place, and the art was spectacular. I noticed the same kind of design all over his room and his house. They must have got a really good interior designer.

"Madam?" the elderly man called me, handing me a menu.

I was literally shocked to see the prices. Why are they selling food at this rate? It was too much, to be honest. And how are so many people still outside? I know I don't have to pay, hopefully, but still, it's costly.

I just ordered two Idlies, as I don't know when I am going to throw up again. We ate the food in silence, and he paid the amount. Nice, he is not eating for free in his own hotel. But it was awkward when he paid for me too. I felt like a freeloader. Then he booked a cab to go home. The climate was changing, and it started to drizzle.

After a few minutes of driving, it started raining. At one point, it started pouring. As I was unable to see what was in front of our vehicle, I was very scared that we might hit something or someone. The whole ride was spent like this, and the feeling never left me. Luckily, nothing happened, and we reached home safe. Though I prayed for the driver to reach home safely. My in-laws were waiting for us outside the house and had umbrellas ready for us.

Everyone at the house was already in bed, and the whole house was very silent. In the living room, the elder women and two of his uncles were waiting for us. We sat for a few minutes and went to freshen up.

"Athaiya, what do we do with this knot?", I asked his mom.

"Oh, wait," she said, and she removed the knot in a minute.

We both looked at her in actual disbelief.

"What? It is the same thing someone would have done at your parents house.'"

"I still don't get it," he said. Trust me, me too.

"Some things are not to be questioned. Now go to your room, freshen up, and come down as soon as possible."

"Again? why? I am so tired, I want to sleep," he asked.

"It's a tradition!!! Now go!" said his grandmother.

"Sowriya, would you like to come with me and freshen up in our room?" asked my athaiya.

"Y-yeah, sure"

I went to their room, and it was totally different from his room. It looked like it was built about 25 to 30 years ago. It was old-fashioned but still spacious and beautiful.

"I have placed new soap ,shampoo and washed towels there; you can use them. And here is a new saree; we bought the blouse in Swetha's size, as you both look alike. I know you don't have any extra clothes with you."

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