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As said younger one in the family, lives in Chennai. Her father is Badrinath and mother Ramadevi. She has a elder sister named Dheeksha. She's married and has a child and lives 2 streets away. Being the second child Sowriya always felt that her parents show partiality between the daughters and be kind to her elder one. But deep down she knows that her parents love both their children very much and always wanted the best for them. Her father was out of the Country for most part of their lives because of work. And due to that her mother never let the kids go out for long times to play or to school tours or to attend a extra curricular class (except Hindi tuition which she hated, because she was not good at it and gradually dropped). She always wanted her father to come back and stay with them and cry the whole night whenever she remembers him.But when their father finally settled in the country, she wanted him to go back as their parents fought often and even now not allowed to go out with friends as they are grown up now.

These situations made Sowriya wanted to get out of their house as soon as possible. She Wanted a peaceful and independent life. To spoil her dreams,  half of her college years are spent at home because of COVID and when she got a job... It was permanently work from home. She adjusted to it.. she has to. Her current aim is to get a job in US and earn lot of money to buy a home soon. As both their children will be leaving after marriage, and after appa (father) stops working, how will they survive? So she thought to give the house, she will be buying soon, for rent as their parents can use the rent when she is married and leaves.. she is planning to never come back again. She can cook and also do all house chores but only does them when she is really interested. When forced, she hated it and does it anyway or sometimes completely ignore. She is kind hearted and emotional (cries seeing sad scenes in movies or serials😅). From the month she got her job, she saves 500 Rupees every month and gives it to a nearby home of elderly people for lunch on her Birthday. She believes in God and karma and whenever she prays, she wants everyone in this world to get atleast 1 meal a day.

Currently her parents are searching a groom for her. She doesn't object this as she is afraid that if she denies now, she won't get married at all. She has seen few cases in their family. Her only wish is that her patner understands her and be mature while taking decisions and gives a place in his heart that no one can reach.

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